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LIVINGSTON, James Campbell (1833)

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James Campbell Livingston
James Campbell Livingston
Full name James Campbell Livingston
Born December 2 1833(1833-12-02)
Place of birth Shotts, Scotland
Died October 17 1909
Place of death Fountain Green, Utah

James Campbell Livingston was born...


Birth and Childhood in Scotland

- not much known
- lived in Shotts
- family had arrived here from Fife
- miners to iron works
- education - see A Wee Rhyme

Conversion and Baptism

- very soon after death of parents - perhaps parents were taught too?
- Granny baptized first?
- Baptized by Paul Gourlay
- other family baptized
- some family not baptized?


- route (to Liverpool, ship to New Orleans, Steamer to ??, Wagon to UT)
- Nauvoo: met Emma Smith & Captain Biddamon
- overland journal

Life in Salt Lake City

Granite Quarry in Little Cottonwood Canyon
- meeting and working for Brigham Young
- Temple quarry
- Law enforcement
- Railroad

...include information from Ron Watt's conclusions in his account book view of JCL[1]...


James married three times and had eighteen children.

(1) Agnes Widdison (all born at Salt Lake City, UT):
Janet Russell Livingston
born 21 March 1855
married Orson Agustus Despain
James Campbell Livingston
born 14 February 1858
married (1) Phebe Ann Chapman
married (2) Sarah Francis Chapman
Archibald George Livingston
born 31 May 1860
married (1) Temperance Lucinda Gillespie
married (2) Hannah Adler
Robert Widdison Livingston
born 4 June 1865
married (1) Lena Hetta Major
Charles Campbell Livingston
born 6 February 1868
married (1) Julia Ann Olsen Sellers
married (2) Charlotte Delta Cole
married (3) Anna Louise "Lula" Neve
Hannah Livingston
born 11 March 1871
married Jacob Wamsley Smith
Helen Livingston
born 7 September 1874
marriage if and when not known
no death date known
(2) Hannah Widdison (all born at Salt Lake City, UT):
Thomas Widdison Livingston
born 15 January 1863
married Annettie Dale Taylor
Agnes Livingston
born 16 September 1864
married Charles Lauson Crawforth (Craford)
James Livingston
born 1 November 1866, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
marriage if and when not known
no death date known
William Livingston
born 11 April 1870, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
marriage if and when not known
no death date known
(3) Annie Elizabeth Muir (all born at Salt Lake City, UT except Wallace, the youngest, born at Cedar Cliff, Sanpete, UT):
John Muir Livingston
born 7 November 1873
died 25 January 1847 Airdrie, Lanark, Scotland
Thomas M. Livingston
born 28 June 1876, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
died 28 June 1876, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
Isabella L. Livingston
born 28 (?) Feburary 1878, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT
died 28 February 1880, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, UT (2 yrs)
James Alma Livingston
born 12 October 1881
married Neckoline M. "Leana" Mikkelsen
Bertha Mae Livingston
born 24 October 1884
married George Arthur Johnson
Annie Livingston
born 28 August 1886
married (1) Ebbie LeRoy Lee
married (2) Arthur George Ott
Wallace Boyd Livingston
born 26 August 1890
married Ida Gaynell Downs

Life in Birch Creek (Cedar Cliff)

- moving south
- making a living
- Patriarch
- house


Date Location Age Event Source(s)
23-Mar-1783 -50.7 James Livingston born millenial star
14-Feb-1789 -44.8 Christina Livingston born millenial star
09-Oct-1807 -26.2 James & Christina married millenial star
25-Jul-1808 -25.4 Archibald Livingston born millenial star
26-Oct-1811 -22.1 Helen Connor born millenial star
28-Dec-1832 -.9 Archibald (1808) & Helen Connor married millenial star
02-Dec-1833 Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland . James Campbell Livingston born millenial star
16-Mar-1835 Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1.3 Charles Livingston born millenial star
17-Jan-1837 Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland 3.1 Helen Livingston born millenial star
16-Oct-1837 3.9 mother (Helen Conner) died millenial star
19-Feb-1840 6.2 father married Jean Bain millenial star
12-Jan-1841 7.1 Jane Livingston born millenial star
10-Jul-1843 9.6 Isabella Livingston born millenial star
07-Dec-1845 12. Archibald Livingston born millenial star
28-Apr-1848 14.4 William Livingston born millenial star
02-Feb-1849 15.2 step-mother (Jean Bain) died millenial star
27-Apr-1849 15.4 father (Archibald) died millenial star
07-May-1849 15.4 baptized autobiography
15-Mar-1853 19.3 sailed from Glasgow for US autobiography
16-Oct-1853 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 19.9 arrived in Salt Lake City autobiography
16-Dec-1854 Glasgow 21.1 rest of family immigrated Charles autobiography
25-Sep-1855 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 21.8 rest of family left Scotland Charles autobiography
07-Jun-1854 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 20.5 married Agnes Widdison autobiography
summer 1855 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah . built first home (adobe w/ dirt roof) autobiography
1856 . ordained an Elder by J. N. Long autobiography
03-Nov-1856 22.9 James makes record in Millenial Star millenial star
1857 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah . james & Agnes receive endowments, sealed in endowment house autobiography
1857 . ordained a Seventy by J. W. Hinteman autobiography
11-Sep-1857 23.8 Mountain Meadows massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_War
1858 . took contract to get flagging to cover temple foundation autobiography
24-Jul-1857 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 23.7 Johnston's Army http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utah_War
30-Nov-1857 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 24. joined SL Police autobiography
30-Nov-1861 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah 28. marired Hannah Widdison autobiography
1867 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah . received 2nd endowments w/ Agnes & Hannah in endowment house autobiography
30-Nov-1867 Devil's Gate, Weber Canyon 34. Union Pacific RR autobiography
06-Jan-1873 39.1 married Annie Muir autobiography
1901 . ordained a High Priest by A. H. Lund autobiography
1902 . ordained a Patriarch by George Teasdale autobiography

Death and Legacy

James Campbell Livingston died in his home on October 17, 1909 in Fountain Green, Utah after a lingering illness of over a year. He was 75 years old. Patriarch John Smith and President Anthon H. Lund of the first presidency were among the speakers at his funeral "paying high tribute to his noble character"[2].

In his sickness, James was visited by his family [Find news article about family visiting from Emery county].

- known descendants
- monument in cottonwood canyon
- Mountain of the Lord
- James Campbell Livingston Millennial Star Records

See Also


  1. Watt, Ronald G. (Winter 1979). "Dry Goods and Groceries in Early Utah: an Account Book View of James Campbell Livingston". Utah Historical Quarterly 47 (1).
  2. Livingston, James Campbell - Obituary

External Links

Retrieved from "http://livingstonfamily.org/wiki/LIVINGSTON,_James_Campbell_(1833)"

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