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< User:Ross

Here are some items I have stumbled across in various researches, that need to find a home:


Newspaper Articles

Deseret News 1854-05-25: James & William Livingston listed on perpetual emigration fund

Deseret News 1866-05-03: James Livingston made Captain of Company A, of the Nauvoo Legion

BRIGADE MUSTER AND ELECTIONS. --On Wednesday afternoon the 1st. Brigade of the Nauvoo Legion mustered on the parade ground of the Cavalry, near Jordan bridge, and presented quite a respectable appearance. The men were put through several evolutions by their respective cdommanders, after which they formed in open square, by order of Maj-Gen. R. T. Burton, who as on the ground accompanied by his staff; when the general orderrs, published in our last number, byu Lieut-Gen. D. H. Wells were read to the Brigade. In pursuance therewith orders from Maj-Gen. Burton were read by the Division Adjutant, announcing the formation of his staff with T. McKean, Divsion Adjutant; Col D. J. Ross, 1st. Aide-de-Damp; Major Henry W. Lawrence, 2nd. Aide; Wm. Calder, 3d; R. J. Golding, Commissary, rank of Colonel; Dr. W. F. Anderson, Division Surgeon, and Elder W. S. Godbe, Chaplain.

The vacancies in the Brigade were then filled by election, the following gentlemen being nominiated and elected by vote: Brigadier-General, Brigham Young, junr.; Col. 1st Regt. Cav., Heber P. Kimball; Lieut.-Col., J. R. Winder; Major 1st Bat., 1st Cav., John W. Woolley; Major 2d Bat., John Clark; Cap. Co. A, 1st Cav., J. Q. Knowlton; Cap. Co. B, David P. Kimball; Cap. Co. C, Hamilton G. Park; Cap. Co. D, Stephen Taylor. Col, 3d Regt. Infantry, John Sharp; Adjutant, James Lewis; Lieut.-Col., George M. Ottinger; Major, Andrew Burt; Cap., Co. A, James Livingston. A great many other vacancies, of lower grades, caused by promotions and resignations, were filled in like manner.

After the elections, gen. Burton briefly addressed the officers and men of the Brigade, expressing his approbation of their previous course, and giving them some seasonable and useful words of advice.

Deseret News 1868-07-29: James in charge of work near Devil's Gate in Weber canyon

OUR LOCAL's CORRESPONDENCE. No. II. THE RAILROAD IN THE CANYONS. DEVIL's GATE, July 21st, 1868. UP WEBER CANYON For about three miles up WEber Canyon the railroad will run on the north side of the river. The gorge for this space widens and narrows at short distances, being in some places about forty rods wide at the bottom, and in others seemingly so close that there does not appear to be room for a road, although there is one on each side of the river. The sdies of the cañon rise in towering, rugged masses, the bare and jagged rocks standing in solemn and sombre grandeur, but relieved by occasional patches of verdure in varied hues of green; while in some places cosy nooks embowered within lofty peaks, are at this season a beautiful emerald. The river is turbulent and wicked-looking, dashing and surging over huge boulders lying in its course, tearing at the earth and willows which border it in places, or sweeping savagely against jutting rocks that grimly rise above its waters.

AN INCIDENT. But it is not near so boisterous now as it has been and usually is earlier in the season, for the waters are falling. Like nearly all our mountain streams, creeks and rivers, the spring floods make it very fierce and ungovernable. About three weeks ago when it was a good deal higher than at present, one of Sharp & Young's teamsters had crossed from the north to the south side of the bridge, with a dirt cart drawn by a mule. The animal was new at the business. Being unused to the cart, and having mullish proclivities, it began as mules sometimes do, to move wrong end first. The driver tried to bring about a movement more in consonance with his intentions, but failed, and mule, cart and teamster vaiulted backwards into the river. Providentially and by strong swimming the man escaped; the mule and the cart disappeared and went down stream out of sight. The mule was got a week after about three miles down the river, with the harness on and the shafts attached; the cart was found in fragments in various places.

SHEEP ROCK. The line of the road marked is from thirty to forty feet above the bed of the river, and the side of the cañon rises quite abruptly, in some places almost perpendicularly. The grading will not be very difficult of construction for a mile and a half up, until "Sheep Rock" is reached, where there will be a cut of about a hundred and fifty feet long through solid rock; the depth of the cut I was unable to learn. IN the neighborhood of a mile above "Sheep Rock" grading is being prosecuted by Sharp & Young's first camp. The work here borders somewhat on the massive. Large rocks are rent from their long resting-place, and hurled down the mountain side with crashing force to form a solid sustratum for the lighter boulders and earth which make the summit of the grading. There is considerable solid rock here on which pick, sledge and drills are kept busily employed. The eastern end of this section reaches a bend in the river, at the famed DEVIL'S GATE, Of which a description may not be inappropriate before proceeding further on the railroad. A short distance higher up stream the river winds around a little mountain that is detached from the main range on the south side of the cañon. The channel of the river narrows to about twenty feet, and the face of the little mountain named rises precipitously, a solid rock, some sixty or seventy feet high, on the inside; while on the outside, gaunt and grim, towers up an almost perpedicular mountain of rock nearly a thousand feet high. It was at dusk when I first saw the place, and the grey top of this mountainous wall seemed faint in the fading light, while there was around a sublimity and grandeur that spoke of the majesty of nature and nature's God. The river dashing around and through this narrow gorge, and spreading out immediately after to six times the width, forms a perfect pandemonium of waters; seething, boiling, dashing, leaping, hurrying on with maddening race, ever changing, yet ever the same fiercly troubled cauldron. It was through this little mountain, and at the back of the wall of rock which rises inside the bight of the river, that the heavy cut through solid rock was anticipated, to land the line on the south side; but it has been found since work commenced that much is earth which was supposed to be rock; though the latter may be reached of sufficient quantity to make a heavy job of it, the cut being a deep one. Above this point the river flows along placidly, and in a straight line with its course below, it being seemingly diverted from its channel and a passage torn for it through the titanic and wild-looking mountain of rock which forms the pillars of the "Devil's Gate."


A bridge will be thrown across the river and road here with a span of 280 feet; from this the road keeps the south side of the river for about a mile and a half. But to reach the point where this cutting had to be commenced, it was necessary to construct a road from the mouth of the cañon on the south side up to it.

The road, which is simply used for wagons to pass up the work, has been constructed by Bishop Sharp at considerable cost, for a distance of over three miles; and in one place it is taken from the river, large rocks being piled in with brush wood and heavy boulders, until a firm and substantial passiage is obtained.

On reaching the work at the head of this road, yesterday morning, where the cut is being made at Devil's Gate, I found nearly 150 men at work within a quarter of a mile, under the charge of Bro. James Livingston, of the 20th Ward. The cut is 800 feet long, and at the deepest place it will be 60 feet on one side and 43 on the other. To get away the dirt as it is being dug out, side cuts have been made, and the bed of the river forms a convenient resting place for that which cannot be used to better advantage.

East of this, a very short distnace, is a mountain of sand, which rises 159 feet high. This has to be cut away bodily 60 feet in.


From the mount of the Cañon to this point there is work, I think, for 500 men more than are at present engaged on it; and those who wish for paying employment, and are not afraid of a pick and shovel, can find work by applying for it. East of this contract of Sharp & Young's-who are the heavist sub-contractors from the head of Echo to the mouth of Weber-Levi Stewart is at work on a half mile contract, with 35 men. He would like a few more. Col. Thos. E. Ricks, of Logan, joins him, on a contract of nearly a mile, on which he is at work with some 50 men. The grading on these two contracts is progressing rapidly, the work being comparitively easy. Col. Ricks' contract crosses the river, and leaves the line again on the north side; and having once more got on the road made by the Weber Cañon Road Company, I will close this communication.

No. II. MOUTH OF ECHO, July 22, 1868 Having been furnished with a document, which was to pass me safely over the road, bearing the signature of Col. J. C. Little, as Secretary of the Weber Cañon Road Company, whom I met at the mouth of the Cañon, yestereday morning, I bade the Colonel and Bishop Sharp good-bye, as the latter was making preparations to put in a monster blast; and in company with John Sharp, jun., commenced travel up towards Echo. Passing "Devil's Gate" on the north side by full sun-light, it had if anyting, a wilder apeparance than when seen by the waning light of evening. About a mile and three quarters above is Strawberry Ford, where the road crosses again to the north side of the river. And here it may be as well to state, that from this point the terms north side and south side, would not convey a correct idea of the opposite sides of the river, for it winds and turns so often and at times so suddenly, that the traveler is at a loss to know which cardinal point he is looking towards. I will, therefore us the terms left hand side when applied to that side of the river which was north at the starting, and right hadn side when applied to the opposite.


The Hon. John Taylor's contract of some three miles runs along the lft hand side of the river going up, and does not appear to be difficult of construction. His head-quarters are at Mountain Green. Work has just about commenced here, and that of a preliminary character. Before reaching Mountain Green, the Cañon widens out to the size of a little valley, beautiful at this season with small cottonwoods and other trees in full foliage. There appears to be considerable cultivable land along these bottoms, but the locusts have been able to destroy as fast as the husbandman could see the fruits of his labors grow up; and the earth, where the crops had been planted, looks bare and uninviting. The mountains recede, and between them and the valley bottom rolling hills covered with verdue present a most pleasing prospect, the light and shade making strong contrasts of hues; while the pine-crowned peaks rising above, and beyond on either side, those to the right hand still bearing a portion of Winter's wealth of snow, and the river winding between through the rank willows and growth of shrubs and trees, completed a picture of rare loveliness. Joining Mr. Taylor's contract is one taken by Bishop C. S. Peterson, close by Weber City Bridge; and next to it that worked by Hons. S. W. richards and Issac Groo. In some places here the line will trench on the river, which is being confined within narrower bounds; but there does not appear to be any heavy work. Riding along and winding around the bench where the road runs, we come to Enterprise, some four and a half miles from Mountain Green; and about five miles further on, the portion of Morgan City which lies on this side of the river, is reached. A few minutes after leaving Morgan City, the road and the river are in a narrow gorge of the Cañon which leads into


In this little valley, which is more oblong than round, the line keeps the same side of the river, but there will probably be some hard work at the extremity that leads into it, at the jutting point where the gorge is the narrowest; but it is not all located here, and I cannot speak understandingly. There were some three camps in Ropund Valley, that of the Mill Creek Ward, that of Bishop Hickenloeper, 6th Ward, S. L. City, and another, the name of which I did not learn. When passing out of this little valley going upstream, we reached a very narrow part of the cañon and immediately after came ot the site of


Of which tehre will be at least two, probably three. The wagon road suddently turns to the left and winds out and in, following the course of the river, while three mountains over-lap-or rather dove-tail into-each other. The line will have to be carried through these and over the river, which it will cross several times. The two tunnels are respectively, 300 and 500 feet long; and the third will be 800 feet long either a tunnel or a cut 60 or 70 feet deep; and aparently all will be through the solid rock. From Round Valley, to the south-easterly end of the "Narrows" above Lost Creek, is the heaviest work on President Young's contract. Bishop Sharp expects to be at the heavy cutting above Round Valley this evening with 100 men, to cmmmence work. For a portion of the way here the bottom widens out, and the construction will be very easy, the line again running on the same side of the river as before, which it keeps up to the mouth of Echo. About a mile before arriving at the point where Lost Creek empties into Weber

THE DEVIL'S RUN is reached. From the names given to places, and natural curiosities, it might be inferred that his satanic highness had had considerable business in this locality at one time. But we will let that pass. This is a natural curiosity for a rock, and has no connection with the railroad, other than being of interest close by the line of construction. A huge line of rock runs down the abrupt side of the mountain, with a deep groove in the centre, looking like the descending arm of a vast centrifugal railroad. How it could have been formed in its present shape will probably be told, when the secrets of the formation of a thousand equally wonderful natural curiosities are made known.

TO THE MOUTH OF ECHO. From Lost Creek about two miles up, the river passes through a narrow gorge, called par excellence "the Narrows." the surveying of this portion has had to be principally done in boats. As the wagon road here leaves the river, and winds around the base of the mountain, passing Lost Creek settlement and going over a high ridge beyond it, I could not se the line of the road, but was informed, and can readily believe it, that there is considerable heavy work in passing through this gorge. From this point to the mouth of Echo, some six or seven miles, the work is not very difficult, and is being prosecuted with vigor. There are quite a number of camps scattered along the distance.

E. L. S.

Deseret News 1869-08-26: Story about eagle captured after it attacks chicken

A CHAINED MONARCH.- Yesterday evening a magnificent specimen of an eagle soaring above spied a chicken in the garden of James Livingston, 20th Ward, and, "making for its prey," swooped down upon it, striking the ground with such force as to partially stun his kingship for a time. Two of Bro Livingston's little boys, about eight and ten years of age, rushed on the eagle, caught his wings, and held them extended till assistance came, and it was captured. It measures seven feet four inches from tip to tip of its wings, and is now chained in Bro. James Lewis' garden, in the 20th Ward.

The Wooden Gun Rebellion

Salt Lake, Nov. 21.- Geo. Ottinger, W.G. Phillips, Chas. livingston, Chas. Savagae, Andre Burt and Jas. Finnemore, officers of the Mormon militia, were, today, arrested by United States Marshal PATRICS, at the instance oof Gov. VAUGHAN, for arming and drilling in violation of the proclamation of the late GOV. SHAFFER, and engaging in rebellion against the United STates, under the law of Congress of 1862. The defendants appeared before Hon. C.M. HAWLEY of the Supreme Court and gave bail for their appearance to-morrow morning for examination.
The Wooden Gun Rebellion.-- About the time that the military musters would have taken place had they not been prohibited, a hundred or more Salt Lake militiamen, some of them carrying wooden guns, held a drill on teh Twentieth Ward Square, near the site of the present Lowell School. Governor Vaughan was absent, but Secretary Black, acting in his stead, had eight of the officers arrested and taken before Associate Justice Hawley, who, after a hearing, boudn them over to await the action of the Grand Jury. These officers were Andrew Burt, Charles R. Savage, William G. Phillips, James Fennamore, Charles Livingston, George M. Ottinger, Archibald Livingston, and John C. Graham. Declining to give bonds, they were placed in charge of the military authorities at Camp Douglas. They were kindly treated; Colonel Henrey A. Morrow, in temporary charge during the absence of General De Trobriand, allowing them the freedom of the Camp. The failure of the Grand Jury to indict them ended the episode known as "The Wooden Gun Rebellion."

Deseret News 1873-05-21: James in affray at train station

Fatal Shooting Affray at Sandy. A fatal shooting affray occurred at Sandy, yesterday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock, the particulars of which have been narrated to us by a gentleman who was an eye-witness. Our informant stated that at about the time aforementioned from twenty to thirty persons were upon the platform of the railroad station, when a man named James Edwards, late from Pioche, stationed himself at the end of the platform with a huge knife, the blade of which was about eighteen inches long, in one hand and a six-shooter in the other, and dared anybody around to come down and fight him, at the same time flourishing his weapons, making various threats and using very foul language. Although the threats and challenges were mostly of a general character, they were most especially directed towards a small-sized man dressed in dark clothes, who seemed, in some way, to have incurred the particular displeasure of the desperado.

The latter, with two companions, moved to another part of the station, when Mr. James Livingston, who was then present, went up to the place where the three were and informed Edwards that if he did not conduct himself better he would be under the necessity of arresting him. In the meantime a man named Redding, not Mr Reading, the nurseryman, another named D. Huffaker, and the small man in the dark clothes, before alluded to, came up, the first two probably fearing that Mr. Livingston might be attacked. No sooner had the latter stated his intention of arresting Edwards if he did not keep the peace than one of the latter's companions, a large man, jumped up to attack him. Mr. Livingston being unarmed, and having but one natural arm besides, and that the left one, was thus placed in a bad fix, but Redding caught hold of the attacking party and threw him to the ground upon his back. Almost at the same instant Edwards struck at Mr. Livingston with his big knife, grazing his cheek and cutting [t]hrough his clothing across his breast, and then commenced firing on the others, putting a ball through the calf of Huffaker's leg. Some of the parties on the other side returned the fire, brining Edwards down with a bullet in his head, [i]t having entered the right temple. He only lived about an hour after receiving the shot. His body was placed in a box made of rough lumber, and was brought to the City in care of one of his late companions, who took it to the Valley House, where it was lying up to noon to-day. We presume that there will be a speedy investigation of the affair.

We are informed that Edwards was not more than twenty-five years old, but that he was a desperate character, and that he was engaged as one of the fighting men in the early stages of the late mining dispute at Pioche.

Salt Lake Daily Tribune 1890-09-20: Red Butte quarry

Salt Lake Daily Tribune 1898-04-14: Odd story, James in police station

John Manus, a little man with a shuffling gait and a wild look in his eyes, came into police headquarters and announced himself as the "Rocky Mountain detective." He was the bearer of the following peculiar missive:

"Mr. James Livingston:-Kill this party and oblige your friends. SPEIRS."

McMillan said that he had a number of important cases on hand, and that he wanted to have a private talk with Detective Sheets, as he had some intelligence for him. He hung around the station most of the afternoon and then started out to look for Sheets.

Deseret News Untitled Newspaper 1881-05-11: Charles, Supt. (of canal company?) tries to rescue drowned baby

Drowned.-A sad event occurred in Mill Creek Ward, about 11 o'clock this mroning. A little two-year-old son of Peter Peterson, who lives just south of the farm residence of Mr. John R. Winder, was playing in the back yard with a number of other children, when he accidentally fell into an open well, and before he could be rescued was drowned. As soon as the accident occurred, the other children ran into the house and alarmed Mrs. Peterson, and her screams attracted to the spot her husband, who was working in the field, and Watermaster C. H. Wilcken and Supt. Chas. Livingston, who were riding by on their return from the canal works in that neighborhood. They immeidately alighted and rushed into the yard. The child had been taken out of the well and the father, mother and some neighbors were working over it. The new comers did all in their power to assist in its restoration, [missing...] The child was dead. The well was eight or ten feet deep and contained about four feet of water. It was about six feet in diameter, and totally uncovered except by a narrow plank upon which the person stood who went to draw water. Exactly how the mishap occurred, or how long the child remained in the well before it was taken out, is unknown. It is certainly a reprehensible fact that the well was allowed to remain in such a condition, and while we do not wish to say anything to add to the pain of the bereaved household, we trust this sad fatality will act as a warning in the future against all such lack of caution.

Deseret News Untitled Newspaper 1884-06-18: new law suit: Ann Elmer vs. Salt Lake City and Chas. Livingston

Salt Lake Herald 1908-06-18: Charles Livingston's obituary

Ogden Standard Newspaper 1906-01-15: Charles Livingston to retire from police

TEN POLICEMENT RECEIVE NOTICE Salt Lake, Jan. 14.- The Herald says: Chief of Police George A. Sheets will send to the council tomorrow night the names of at least ten members of the present police force whom he desires to have removed. The list will bear the names of Sergeant Richard L. Eddington, Desk Sergeant Chas. Livingsotn, Desk Sergeant Arthur Pratt, Jalier Sol F. Kimball, Jailer Gronway Parry, Patrol Driver E. W. Price, Patrolmen E. W. Palmer, W. C. A. Smoot, Jr., C. J. Leaker and John Fursier. Other names will probably be added to the list before it goes to the council.

The names given above were agreed upon at a conference between Chief Sheets and the police and prisons committe of the council yesterday afternoon. It is known that the names of several other members of the force are under consideration. Some of these names may be added to the chief's list before it goes to the council.

It is understood that Captain John B. Burbidge is likely to remain on the force. His name is not on the list yet and will not go on unless outside pressure is brought to bear upon Chief Sheets.

Several of the men whose resignation have been asked for are veterans of the force. "Uncle Charley" Livingston has been on the desk at the station for about eight years and has given about forty of his eighty years to the service of Salt Lake City. Jailer "Sol" Kimball is another familiar figure about the station, where he has been jailer for about sixteen years. Officers Parry and Palmer have been members of the force off and on for many years past. The other officers are younger men, some of them comparitively recent additions to the force.

The ten men were called into the cheif's office one by one when the 11 o'clock shift went on last night and were notified that their resignations were desired. The men declined to resign. They said they preferred to be removed and this will be done tomorrow night.

Chief Sheets communication to the council will probably announce the appointment of a number of new officers. Ed Janney is slated to become a member of the detective force and Fred Schulze, late guard at the state prison, will probably be appointed a sergeant.

Chief Sheets has had a busy week. He looks tired and confesses to a tired feeling. He admits that not less than 120 applications for places on the force were made during the week. They came in all shapes, sizes and colors. All shades of pollitical opinion and religious belief were represented in the number. The chief adopted a formula early in the week. It consisted of this statement:

"There is one chance in a hundred for you-perhaps."

With this the applicants were, perforce, content, but they may have the comfort of knowing that their worry is not greater than the chief's.

1869 Salt Lake City Directory (Sloan)



Overland Trail Records


Cattle Brands

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