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LIVINGSTON, James Campbell Jr. - Biography (Arthur)

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The following letter was written by Arthur Livingston, son of James Campbell Livingston Jr.

Spanish Fork UT
August 11, 1963

Mrs. Wanda Bond
Kaysville, Utah
Dear Wanda:
I have a little spare time this afternoon and don't want another Livingston reunion to pass with out giving part of the information you ask for in your very welcome letter under date of Jan 10, 1960 written while you were living at Logan. Six months prior to that time my dear wife passed away and at the time I received your letter I was at Rupert, Ida visiting with my daughter Lucile & her husband Bob and a short time later went to California. Some time later our present ward ask for a sketch of my life and our daughter June wrote the enclosed article from notes which I had made. [note: this history wasn't included]
I have intended to write more regarding the lives of my dear parents as these memories come to me. I love them so much. Live itself is Gods greatest gift and those parents and grand parents made it possible. Each night as I retire I thank God for them. These are the words they wrote in my autograph album now 65 years ago.

Cedar Cliff Apr 8, 1889

Dear Son Arthur:
Do what is right - put your trust in God and all will be well with you.

Cedar Cliff
Apr. 8, 1899

Dear Son Arthur:
Be content with the lot God has marked out for you.
Love, honor and obey him in all things and your last days will be peaceful and happy.
I have always loved and honored my parents and have lived in happy homes with them. I have made mistakes many of them for which I cannot blame my parents, their teachings and advise to their children have always been the best.
My mother had a quicker temper than my father, she would some time use the rod, not so with father, a word from him was sufficient.
My mother had brown eyes and dark hair. My father had blue eyes and dark hair.
My father average weight as I remember him was about 150 to 160 lbs. - height about 5'7" or 8". He was a good black smith and repaired his own machinery and tools on the farm and always did his work well. He was naturally religious and I never remember when he did not have a firm testimony of the gospel and the divinity of the Prophet Joseph Smith's mission and his advise was always to obey the authority of the priesthood and leaders of the church. He enjoyed a good joke and always tried to look upon the bright side of life. He was an interpretation of Bing Crosby's definition of personality "When I met him I was looking down but when I left him I was looking up."
I never expect to be a better man than was he and I shall be satisfied if I can live as well and as good a life as he lived. He died at the age of 67 years and appreciated his family and many many friends. He was born on St. Valentine's day Feb 14, 1858.
I have heard him sing "Flow Gently Sweet Afton" and "You'll never miss the Water till the Well runs dry" and others. I think his favorite song was "The cricket on the hearth" which he often had his two oldest daughters Phebe and Minnie sing after he had his evening meal and waiting for bed time. Jesse resembles father in looks a great deal from pictures I have seen of father when he was Jesse's age.
Well Wanda: I'm sorry you have had to wait so long for this. God bless you and your fine husband and family.
Will see you at Provo Pioneer Park next Saturday Aug 17th from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m.



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This page has been accessed 2,494 times. This page was last modified on 9 February 2009, at 21:58.


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