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LIVINGSTON, Arnold Dale (1922)

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Arnold Dale Livingston
A. Dale Livingston
Full name Arnold Dale Livingston
Born November 11 1922(1922-11-11)
Place of birth Morhland, Emery, Utah
Died March 11 2008
Place of death Layton, Davis, Utah


by Arnold Dale Livingston


Early Years

Born November 11, 1922 in the town of Morhland, Utah to Arnold George Livingston and LaFonta Lowry Livingston. Morhland was a small mining town in Emery County, Central Eastern, Utah.

My father was a coal miner - small farmer by trade. He was born to Archibald G. Livingston and Hannah Adler Livingston and raised in Castle Dale, Emery County, Utah. His father was a farmer and stock raiser.

My mother, LaFonta Lowry was born in Manti, San Pete County, Utah to Arson Lowry and Matilda Jenson. Her father was a stock raiser mostly sheep. Early in her life her folks moved to Emery County and resided in Rochester and Ferron, where she spent her youth.

When I was four, my father was ki11ed in the coal mines at Hiawatha. I have very little, if any, recollection of my father because of his early death. At the time of my father's death, I had one sister (Lois). George Lowry Livingston, my brother, was born five months after my dad's death.

Only God knows how my mother had to work, slave and sacrifice to keep herself and her three children together. Shortly after, about 3 years, the Great Depression of the late 20's and early 30's was upon her. I can remember my mother working as a cleaning woman and janitor at the local show house to help make ends meet. Later, she was elected to public office as the County Recorder of Emery County.

Lois, Dale, and Lowry Livingston

A noteworty note at this time should be made about my Grandmother, Hannah Livingston, who was also a widow. Her husband, my Grandfather, passed away in the spring of 1927. Grandmother Livingston used to tend us three young ones while my mother worked. She, along with my Uncle George Jeffs and Aunt Ethel (my dad's sister) had a great deal of effect on our lives during my early childhood. Uncle George served as the only dad I was to know for many years. He and Aunt Ethel ran a farm. They took me under their wing and taught me the meaning of work. Their son Clive was more like an older brother to me and Hazel, their daughter, like an older sister.

During my early life in Castle Dale, we had living with us off and on, Allen Lowry, my mother's only brother. Allen was quite a lot older than I. He was only 5 years younger than mom, so I don't recall I too many of his actions - except I do remember he was a good baseball player and horseman. Later in my life, more things about Allen come into play. He was always a favorite uncle of mine.

I had a horse given to me one or two years after dad died. My Grandfather Olsen, my mother's stepfather, gave it to me. The horse was a little grey mare. She wasn't very big but in my eyes she was sure something. I literally rode her from childhood into manhood. Her name was Liza.


I went to public school at Castle Dale for six years then in the year 1934 my mother remarried. His name was David H. Tuttle and he lived in Orangeville, a few miles west of Castle Dale. He was a small Service Station and Grocery Store Owner. He also had a small farm and some livestock (cattle). We moved to Orangeville. The move didn't effect us much as children. I went back to Castle Dale to High School (7 thru 12) and Lois and Lowry were young enough to adjust well.

Uncle Dave, as we affectionately called him, was a wonderful man. He took over the task of a father and as far as I'm concerned, did an admirable job. Mom was happy not having the worry of single handedly supporting her family and also as a bonus she had a man around the house to give her help and companionship. My teens were spent in Orangeville going to school, working on the farm with Uncle Dave's brother, Milton, his sons, Stanton, Jess, Melrose, Fred and all their sons. Friends too numerous to mention and a wonderful family were always there. Uncle Dave’s station and store went broke and he took a job as a foreman in the CCC Camp, located in Castle Dale. After the CCC’s disbanded, Uncle Dave went back to running the station. Myself and Mom with help from Lowry, also ran a station in Castle Dale for a brief period, to no avail. Money was hard to come by. Uncle Dave’s health was not too good, he had heart trouble and couldn’t do much.

Dale Livingston graduation

I graduated from High School in the spring of 1940. The next Fall I registered for college. I went one quarter, but due to the lack of finances, I quit and joined the CCC Camp. I was stationed at Veyo, Utah and spent a 6 month hitch, January 1941 - July 1941. During the time I spent in the CCC Camp, I got my first taste of military life. The camp was under a military commander for personnel purposes and under the Forest Service for work purposes. While in the confines of camp and for leave purposes, we were under military jurisdiction. Our work assignment (5 days a week) was civil. $30.00 a month of which $21.00 was sent home. You got to keep $9.00 for personal use. Our clothes and food were furnished. I was assigned as a Tool Room Clerk and later a Truck Driver.


After I got out of the CCC’s, I worked about six months for Emil Luke on his farm and ranch. In January 1942 I went to work as a Truck Driver for Fred Ungritch. Our run was from Castle Dale to Salt Lake City. We used to haul coal into Salt Lake City or in case of the semi van, eggs from the farmers to Draper, Utah. Coming back we would haul freight to the different stores and merchants throughout Emery County. I worked the rest of the Winter and Spring of '42 as a road driver for Mr. Ungritch. I spent the summer in Salt Lake City as a pick-up and delivery driver for Ungritch and a small truck line that ran down into Fi1more, Utah. The 1ast months of '42, I was back home. I then went back to Salt Lake City for employment. I worked in a Service Station for a couple of months. It was at this time that Uncle Sam called me into the Service of my Country - The Great World War II.

Army and War

March 1943 saw me in a Ordinance Company in Texas (Camp Moxie). Routine Basic Training. I spent about 11 months in Texas - army training and specializing mostly in equipment operating and maintenance. February 1944 saw me on my way to the war in Europe with the 541 Ord. Co.

Our first port of call was Glasgow, Scotland where the Queen Mary, the magnificant English liner, which we were sailing, landed. We were then herded into railroad cars for our trip into England to wait for whatever was in store for us.

Dale Livingston, Army

Our company was sent to a small town just south of Oxford, England. We were there for about 5 months of which time nothing much of importance happened. We trained, drilled and spent quite a bit of time looking over the area. It was very historical. Extensive travel was out of the question, but we saw and enjoyed many great things - Castles, Shakespearean Plays and the unique ways of life of the English.

The latter part of June 1944 saw us at South Hampton with thousands of other troops for our Invasion of Normandy. The initial invasion had been made a few weeks earlier and we were lucky not to have been there first. We landed in France on the Omaha Beach near Isigny, France. It was there that we got the first taste of war air raids, the ack-ack was very bad.

We then moved up the theater of war to a town called Montain, France. In Montain I contracted Malaria and was sent to a field hospital. I lost my outfit and was sent to a Replacement Depot (Repo Depot) where all displaced personnel were sent for re-assignment.

I was scheduled to be reassigned to an infantry outfit. The war was now mostly in the Country of Belgium. While on our way to what was to be my new outfit, we ran into my old outfit in Mulen, Belgium. I was back home with the men I came over seas with. After much persuasion I again was assigned to the 541 Ord. Co.

It was about this time that the turn of events changed. Times and exact dates have escaped my memory but I know we were in Vervier, France where we had been for a couple or 3 months. I had been plagued with another attack of Malaria, and had been in and out of the field hospital.

The Germans made a break-thru, the Battle of the Bulge was on us.

The days prior to the Christmas Holidays were uneasy ones. We being a repair outfit, with equipment of all kinds - tanks, vehicles, and big guns, had to take care of them. Most of them in various stages of repair, made us a very hampered outfit to defend. Buzz bombs, U-3 rockets, bombings, strafings, etc., were common.

Finally right after Christmas, I remember our outfit pulled out of Vervier to another place more suitable for our type of work. The months of December, January, February, were terrible for cold. We worked in the open most of the time. Working a six and a half day week trying to take care of and support front line troops. In the spring we moved into Germany. The name of the town was Aachen where we were based for about a month. Then we were moved to a town on the Rhine River called Bonn.

After Bonn, we crossed the Rhine River forever moving. Ending up in Kassell, Germany, where we were when VE day occurred, 11 May 1945.

If I remember right, I spent the next month with the 541st in Kassel. I was then transferred to another outfit. Most of us had enough points to come home having been in 5 theaters of war.

It was at this time that I got word that my Stepfather had passed away. Having enough seniority to come home made it easier for me along with help from the Red Cross. I was flown home by way of Paris, France. I spent a few days in Aberdeen, Maryland, then home for 1 month. I was reunited with my family. Of course Lowry was in the Navy, so I didn't get to see him.

Back in Aberdeen for a couple of months, then reassigned to Camp Cook California. The war in the Pacific was over by this time and I secured my discharge 15 October 1945. I was again a civilian.

This is just a thin sketch of my Army career. The home sickness, the hurt, the terrible experiences, the sights and inhuman things that went on are omitted on purpose. I’ve spent a lifetime forgetting and have succeeded in some small way. I never talked much about the war on purpose. It is my prayer at all times that none of us will have to face that kind of destruction or treatment now or any time in the future. Enough said.


The next year, the latter part of 1945 and most 1946, was kind of a lost weekend for me. I always had a job but no definite aim in life. I worked as a Heavy Equipment Operator in Salt Lake most of the winter of 1945-46 working the new Sears Building on 9th South. The spring and most of Summer of 1946, I spent in the timber working as a Lumber Jack. The Fall of 1946, after working a couple of months at the Navy Depot, I decided I’d better get my life in order. I went back to school at USAC in Logan. It was here that my life took a turn.

Courtship, Marriage, and Family

The first part of November, I met my future wife to be. When I first met her she was dating another fellow. I was very attracted to her and started dating her myself. Right after the first of the year 1947, I proposed. We were married on the 24 January 1947. Margaret Bergeson became my wife. The wedding was is Lewiston, Utah by Bishop Victor Waddops in a civil ceremony. Margaret's folks, I don’t think, were too happy with this marriage. Their dreams were for Margaret to have a temple marriage, but that was not to come for a few years.

A few days after our marriage, I secured work at Hill Air Force Base and our married life began. Earl our first child was born the next November. He was a very healthy, robust child. We enjoyed him very much.

In May 1949, Margaret blessed us with a pair of twin girls, Linda and Laura. Earl was then about 18 months old. This put quite a burden on us, especially Margaret with 3 babies to take care of. I had gone back to school along with my job, so I was not much help being away from home most of the time. If it hadn't been for my mother who always lived close by and who gave of her time and knowledge so unselfishly, I don’t know what would have happened.

In 1951 I graduated from college with an Associate Degree. I continued working at Hill Field and made it my vocation. I took part time work where I could get it in order to supplement my income.

As I look back on the 1950's and into the 1960’s, I sometimes wonder how our marriage held together. I was never unfaithful to Margaret, as I know she wasn't to me, but through this period of time I was never home, always working shift work and part time work.

Max, our fourth, was born on January 14, 1957, Sharon, our fifth on 19 August 1961, and Jeanne, our sixth, on 1 June 1963.

Retreating back just a little. In 1954 we moved from Layton where we spent the first 7 years of our marriage. We bought a home on Ross Drive in Clearfield, which was to be our place of abode for the next 13 years.

Through the children’s early years, we were like most young married couples. The raising of children especially for young couples is a matter of trial and error. We always enjoyed our kids. Sometimes problems arose but on the whole, we survived very well. We managed to take several trips with our kids - California, Yellowstone, Camping. I always enjoyed hunting, especially deer. My brother and I were constant companions in these trips. When Earl got old enough to go, he came along. John, Lois’ husband, came with us sometimes, but he also spent time with his brothers. I think back fondly on these fall trips. Success was not relative. The main thing was to get out and enjoy.

Between work and a few vacations along the way, time passed. Earl grew up and graduated from high school in 1965. The twins were born in 1967, Max in 1976, Sharon in 1979 and Jeanne in 1981. Our children were very good students in school, always getting good grades and liked by one and all.

An addendum to my teen years

My teen years were very full for me as a youth. In the winter time I was very busy with many things. In school I participated in plays, band (I played a clarinet for three years in the high school band), and athletics. I was considered very good especially in basketball.

I always liked school, up to a point. My grades, as a rule were above average. I always seemed to have a knack for being able to get passing marks without too much study.

During the summer I spent my time working on the farm, riding my horse and herding cattle for the cattle association--in. other words, being a cowboy, a genuine cowboy. I was considered a good horseman and enjoyed riding. If I were asked what I missed most, not counting my family and friends, it would be being unable to enjoy my horse and the things that go along with that type of life.

1973 - a year I'll never forget

If my memory serves me right, in late November or early December 1972, I had another heart attack. The next couple of months were like a nightmare to me. An angiogram showed artery blockage. Dr. White, the doctor who did the test, stated very emphatically that without an operation I was a "dead duck."

Mar 29 was the day. The next thing I remember was ten days later. I had been a very sick man and still was. Three months later I was asked to retire from the job that I had had for some 28 years.

The next year and a half was like a nightmare--recuperation, depression. I was lost as a man. I worked some, here and there on jobs that I could handle. My family, bless their hearts, stood by me. Especially my wife. I really don't know if my younger family realized my condition. Money was tight. Try living on 40% of what you were used to, especially with three kids. In the late fall of 1974 I was offered, by Larry Ray, one of his stations. I took out the lease in October, 1974. I again had a purpose in life, something to put my efforts into. It was also something to help keep Max busy and give him a chance to earn a little.

I, along with my family, operated this station for some 11 or 12 months. When I got a chance to go to work for the school district as a bus driver, I turned the station back to Larry and a new career began, but not only as a school bus driver.

I was called into the bishopric of the Clearfield 3rd Ward in November, 1975. My life began to show some purpose. I began to realize that there was more to life than earning a living and playing. I began to realize that I was here on earth for a purpose other than living from day to day. Since then my attitude and my life have changed.

I drove school bus for one year and then was offered a job in the Transportation office, dispatching and helping route all school buses in Davis County. Three years later in 1979 I took over the coordinators job, over all the school buses, under the supervision of Dick Butler who was and is the transportation director.

Notes on Family

I have said little about my family in the previous pages, not because I don't love them and appreciate them. "I DO!" My whole married life has been devoted to their wants and desires. I wrote this the way I did because 1 wanted to make this more or less my narrative. My family can and should write their own story in their own way.

In 1978? Linda divorced her 2nd husband and moved to Texas.

Laura and Craig noved to Arizona to take a new job with IBM.

Max graduated from high school in 1976 and after a year of college at College of Eastern Utah went to work for Mt. Bell and married Fairy Blackwell.

Sharon graduated from high school in 1979 and after a few years as an old maid married Kirt Hallisey a native of Washington.

Jeanne graduated from high school in 1982 and a couple of years later moved to Texas to live with Linda.

In May 1985 Linda remarried. His name is Jim Johnson. I think Linda finally found the one she was looking for.

In June, 1985, Jeanne married also, a man from San Antonio. His name is Robert Coleman. They are devoted to each other.

Margaret and I have completed the full circle and after 38 + years are alone again.

We started out alone

Since working for the school district I and Margaret have done quite a few things. On two occasions we have traveled back east for new school buses. We have made yearly visits to our kids in Texas and have made a special trip to Washington to attend Sharon's wedding open house.

In 1978 I was released from the bishopric and installed as executive secretary of our new bishop. In 1980 I was called to the high council of the Clearfield North Stake. Five years later I'm still in that position.

Post Script

The last 10 plus years have been the most fulfilling years of my life. I have found a new dimension that I never knew existed. My eyes have been opened to the truthfulness of the Gospel and to the opportunities that it can bring. I have travelled and associated with men whom I have learned to love and appreciate and whose whole purpose in life is to further the teachings of Christ.

I am not on a soap box. I am merely stating a fact of life.

I want my family to know I love and am proud of them and will be forever. My prayers each day are for their betterment in life. I want my wife, Margaret, to know how much I love her and appreciate her and everything she has done for me and still does for me. I know without her I wouldn't be here today. My life wouldn't be the same without her.

I close this sketch with an option to continue it at a future date.

Note: This ends Dale's Autobigraphy


LIVINGSTON, Arnold Dale 1.jpg LIVINGSTON, Arnold Dale 2.jpg A. Dale Livingston

CLEARFIELD – Arnold Dale Livingston passed away on Friday, March 7, 2008 at Davis Hospital and Medical Center surrounded by his family.

He was born on November 11, 1922 in Mohrland, Utah the son of Arnold George and LaFonta Lowry Livingston. Dale was raised and educated in Emery County, Utah.

He served in the U.S. Army during World War II and graduated from Weber College.

He married the love of his life Margaret M. Bergeson on January 24, 1947 in Lewiston, Utah. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Logan Temple.

Dale was an active member of the LDS Church in which he held many positions. He and Margaret served in the Charlotte North Carolina mission and he served in the Ogden Temple.

He retired from HAFB after 32 years and served on the Clearfield Volunteer Fire Department for 25 years.

In September 2007 he had the privilege of going to Washington DC with other veterans on the Hero Flight.

He is survived by his wife of Clearfield; his children: Earl (Gale) Livingston of Ogden; Laura (Craig) Kirby of Farmington; Max (Fairy) Livingston of West Point; Sharon Hallesy of Pleasant View; Jeanne (Kevin) Dahl of Fruit Heights; 11 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. He is also survived by a sister Lois (John) Riggs of Clearfield; and sister-in-law Maretta (Clive) Jeffs of St. George, Utah.

Preceding Dale in death were his parents, his daughter Linda and his brother George Lowry Livingston.

See Also


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