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LFA Reunion 2009

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2009 Livingston Family Reunion

"Our Heritage: Collecting, Writing and Preserving Life Stories"

Reunion Recap written by Stott Cook and Dennis Davis

The reunion actually began Friday, June 19th at the Salt Lake Temple. Temple work for 28 Livingston ancestors from Scotland was done by Livingstons in the temple. This included baptisms, initiatories and endowments. Kay Livingston Larsen found a researcher who lives in Dunfermline, Scotland who has been retained by the Association to do research on the ancestors of the nine children Granny left in Scotland. These were the first names received. Thanks to Kay, Enid and Glenn for facilitating all this work being done in one day!

Dana, Enid and Margaret at registration table

Saturday, June 20th, Livingstons gathered in Provo, Utah at 11:00 am. Dana, Enid, and Margaret enjoyed registering all the family attending the reunion. The weather was very threatening with wind and rain. We finally had to grab everything and make a dash for the cultural hall. Everything went smoothly after that.

Dennis took pictures of all who attended as well as pictures of the activites at the reunion. Click here for more pictures of the reunion. Dana provided name tags so we could get acquainted.

Clive and Maretta Livingston

After registration, a very delicious lunch was served. We are all very thankful to Stott for providing lunch over the past years. There was plenty of BBQ chicken and beef, corn on the cob, beans, watermelon, sodas, etc. There was also plenty of time to relax, enjoy lunch, and visit with family and distant cousins. Often this is the only time we get to socialize with our cousins from out of state and those who don't live nearby. There were many at the reunion this year who had never attended before. One 10-year-old was heard to incredulously ask her mother, "Are these really all my cousins?" A very big thank you to all who got the word out and encouraged all to attend.

A very delicious lunch was served

Charlene conducted the business meeting while the younger generation went out and played on the big toys provided. Youth don't mind threatening weather. In fact, they love it. The very large, air-filled trampoline and slide provided a wonderful opportunity for the cousins to get to know each other better - to jump up and down, show off some new-learned tricks, and to hold hands slipping down the slide. Some were seen exchanging phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Close family bonds are formed at these annual reunions.

Jessica Macdonald and Stott Cook watching the children play
Danny Clark totally enjoying "Jump City"

During the business meeting, Ross used a media projector to show the computer screen on the spacious wall above. He demonstrated the "New Family Search" program and the many features of the Livingston Family Association web site. Much work has gone into making the web site and filling it with pictures, old and new, and histories. All of the newsletters and pictures of reunions from past years are available on the web site. There is also discussion about providing the family genealogy on the web site.

Blaine Livingston, who has been working on the Family Descendancy Project, had a table where families could check their information and add more information to the family data base. Blaine has done a tremendous job over the past several years and is now passing the gavel over to his son, Stephen, who is very capable and will continue on in his father's tradition.

Many thanks to Margaret Livingston who worked tirelessly on a Livingston Family Crest Quilt to be raffled off to help add some funds for the operation of the association. Through her efforts and generosity of family members, hundreds of dollars were raised. We truly have a wonderful, supportive family.

Margaret Livingston with the family crested quilt to be raffled

Ann scheduled two presenters between 2:00 and 4:00, who presented workshops on collecting, writing and preserving life stories. The presenters were Don Norton, speaking on “Family History Made Easy” and Janet Hovorka, speaking on “How To Interest Your Family in Their History” plus “Will Your Family History Survive the Digital Age?” They are both professionals in their field and well informed on the mechanics, procedures and process of family history. Much information was given to our family and many questions were answered.

Emma Macdonald dancing with her Grandma Ann

A Scottish bagpiper could be heard in the cultural hall at 4:00 calling everyone to an ice cream bar provided by Dana. All the kids, old and young alike, were in heaven as they made their own sundae creations. It was calorie free so we all ate up as the bagpiper played on and our thoughts turned to Scotland and our ancestors.

The wonderful reunion came to a close with a dance instructor who taught us all a few Scottish dances. There were many smiles and laughter as dozens light-footed their way around the dance floor. But, none enjoyed the dancing more than little Emma Macdonald dancing with her Grandma Ann. Everyone's eyes were on Emma and she was the belle of the ball.

Our ancestors would have been proud of how we celebrated them and we are proud of them and the legacy they left us! Be sure to calendar next year when the Livingstons will be gathering again as the tradition of our wonderful, loving family continues. Reunion 2010 -- June 18 & 19.

Additional Information Provided Before the Reunion

The theme for our reunion this year is "Our Heritage: Collecting, Writing and Preserving Life Stories" Please join us for this half-day reunion. There will be lots to learn for the adults, and fun games for the kids. And as usual, there will be plenty of food and great company for all to enjoy!

Our Professional Genealogical Speakers will be:

Entertainment, Sundae bar and Shortbread to cap off our reunion!!

Date: June 20, 2009
Location: Provo Utah Edgemont Stake Center, 3700 North 303 West Provo, Utah (get directions)

11:00 AM - Registration and visiting; family photos taken by a professional!
12:00 PM - Lunch (Provided by Association - please RSVP (board@livingstonfamily.org or 801-484-2678)
1:00 PM - Business meeting; Children's activities
2:00 PM - Presentations and workshops; Children's activities
4:00 PM - Scottish Dancing and Goodbye Treats (Sundaes and Shortbread!)

This one day workshop/information reunion will be both informative and entertaining. This is a don't miss reunion!

Please RSVP by sending email to board@livingstonfamily.org and let us know how many will be in your group.

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