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LFA Newsletter Volume 43, Issue 2 (Fall 2016)

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7731 Jefferson Road
Magna, UT 84044

Volume: 43 Issue: 2 - (view the PDF Version) Date: Fall 2016


Capturing Today For Memories Tomorrow

by Mike Livingston
Family Magazine Cover 2014
Much of what we do as the Livingston Family Association centers around our ancestors and the legacy they have created for you and me. We never want to forget or lose this knowledge. We also throw in a reunion each summer to add some fun to the lives of all the extended family members. However, for a few moments I would like to share with you and idea that can create lasting memories for your immediate family while strengthening the bonds of friendship you hopefully enjoy with these, your closest family members.

Family Magazine Cover 2015
For the past few years my family (my wife, children, and grandchildren) have been creating a custom magazine to capture the memories of the past year. It started as an idea for a surprise Christmas gift and has blossomed into a yearly family project that unites us in fun, laughter, some hard work, and joy mixed with tears as we share the resulting product on Christmas Day.

The first year the magazine was 39 pages, complete with a letter from the editor, table of contents, advertisements, articles, and QR codes so we can link to the online, digital versions of the photos, videos, and complete magazine. Last year, the magazine was 51 pages. This year it will be even larger.

Like this newsletter, our magazine also contains tributes to family members, photos from important events of the past year, stories, and more.

It takes a great deal of coordination and planning to pull this off. I must give the most credit to my daughter-in-law, Audrey, as she is the project manager of this entire process each year. We even use project management software to organize each page of the magazine so we all have a clear understanding of what needs to get done and who has been assigned which task. We have a family council in the fall to finalize all this organization and to make sure we each know what we need to do and when it needs to be completed so that we reach our printing deadline in order to have the magazines back in time for Christmas.

This approach to capturing current family events, or at least the past year, may not be for everyone, but I want to encourage anyone who may have been wondering how to go about such a task to give it a try. This magazine has become a cherished gift each of us receives every year.

I will bring copies of our magazines to the next family reunion (July 1, 2017) so be sure to speak with me about this fun family tradition at that time.

To Our Generous Donors

by Mickie Lewis

We would like to express a great big heartfelt thanks to all of you generous members of the Livingston Family Association! Even though the Scottish people as a whole have a reputation for being thrifty in the extreme, you have shown tremendous generosity in your donations. In addition to the costs involved with printing and mailing the newsletter, plus the expense of using the facilities at the Provo Recreation Center for our reunion and the arm bands provided, donations have exceeded what was spent, and have actually continued to arrive after the event! Thank you all so much for your willingness to share in order to keep this wonderful family organization thriving!

2016 Reunion - Provo Recreation Center

by Celeste Livingston
Enid Cox speaking at the reunion
The Livingston Reunion was amazing this year! We are thrilled with all that came and all the new faces we met. We were sad to miss some of you.

This year we met on June, 18th at the Rec Center in Provo! There was so much to do, we needed a week! We met in a beautiful conference room and had a great program by some fabulous speakers! Many thanks to Wade Livingston, Cynthia Livingston Knoebel, Enid Cox, Jaynann Livingston, Dennis Davis, Katie Hulick and Roger Livingston. Stott Cook and Robert Livingston were honored this year for the Livingston Legacy. Amy Livingston Mettler produced amazing costumes for the infamous Livingston Rap! And thanks to all those who contributed!!

Afterwards, we went outside on a rather warm day for a Pot Luck Feast!! We had plenty of delicious food for everyone! You're all fabulous cooks!

Following the luncheon, everyone had lots of choices. They could go enjoy Pioneer Village, The Daughters of Utah Pioneer Museum, Swimming inside or out, rock climbing, basketball, etc or just talking up a storm with all our fun relatives. Way too much fun and too little time!

For those of you who missed all the action, you won't want to think of missing next year! Mark your calendars now for the 2017 Livingston Reunion at “THIS IS THE PLACE- Heritage Park” in Salt Lake City, Utah on July 1st!

Your mission is to spread the word and get all your Livingston relatives there!!

James Campbell Livingston

data was largely compiled by Wm. D. Kuhre
James Campbell Livingston
Some miscellaneous items of information concerning James Campbell Livingston furnished by James A. Muir who was his brother-in-law and who enjoyed a long acquaintance with him. This has been compiled in the hope that it may be of interest to the posterity of that worthy man.

James Campbell Livingston was born December 2, 1833, at Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland. (It is presumed that the the family have the data of his parentage, wives, children, etc.) He came to Utah about the year 1855, having accepted the message of the restored gospel and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His three brothers came at the same time. Charles being his full brother. Archibald and William were full brothers but half-brothers to James C. and Charles. It is my understanding that the four young men came to Utah first and that the rest of the family came some three or four years later. These later arrivals included Grandmother Christina Livingston and her son James (unmarried) and daughter Ellen who became the wife of John Dobbie.

James C. Livingston early made the acquaintance of Bishop John Sharp and they were fast friends until the death of Bishop Sharp on December 23, 1891.

They worked together in the quarries getting out stone for the tabernacle and other buildings. These two men together with Andrew Smith and other trusted and true men were body guards to President Brigham Young.

After the civil war came the period when the U.S. army under General P. E. Connor was stationed in Utah following the episode known as the "Echo Canyon War", and Camp Douglas on the bench east of Salt Lake City was established. As history informs us Gen. Connor maintained a very bitter and hostile attitude toward the Mormons and especially toward their leaders. President Young, evidently fearing trouble with the soldiers, sent Livingston to learn the intentions of the General if possible. He took a yoke of oxen and wagon equipped as if going to the canyon for wood. He proceeded toward the fort but was intercepted by the soldiers on guard. Pretending to have lost his way and followed the wrong road and to be sociable he invited the guards to have a drink of liquor with him, and continuing to ply them with the drink he secured from them considerable information desired. Gen. Connor, evidently learning of the incident, sent officers after Livingston. I distinctly remember bringing the horse for him to ride so that he could get away and evade capture.

James C. Livingston became superintendent of the church quarries at the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon from which the granite for the Salt Lake Temple was being quarried. This was about the year 1867. He continued to hold this position until the capstone of the temple was laid in the year 1890.

In the early 80s began the activities of the U. S. officers in the enforcement of the anti-polygamy laws, accompanied by the well remembered raids of the U. S. marshals in the arresting the men and women so involved. During these trying times it became necessary for many of the church authorities and leading brethren to remain in retirement or in hiding at all times, and the church quarry and vicinity often afforded a place of concealment for them. The home of James A. Muir at Wasatch was a resting place many times for those brethren who were brought there by Livingston for a night's repose. There was a bridge spanning Little Cottonwood creek from the boarding house to the south side where the summer sleeping quarters of the men were located. On the south side also was located the office of the superintendent of the quarry. Livingston seldom slept at night when any of the brethren were in the vicinity, particularly keeping watch at the bridge. No officer seemed inclined to make the effort to cross the bridge and it is said that he once forcibly ejected one who attempted it. Among the church leaders who were there from time to time were President John Taylor, President Woodruff, Joseph F. Smith, Wm. H. Preston and others. J. W. McHenry was the teamster for the President in those days with Richard James as assistant.

The following incident is reported to have taken place at the office building on the south side of the creek: President John Taylor and his counselor George Q. Cannon were in hiding at this time and their arrest was very much desired by the officials who were prosecuting the cases arising from plural marriage. These two men were on a certain day with Brother Livingston in the little two room office building before referred to. A horse and buggy appeared on the road leading to the boarding house situated on the north side of the creek. The buggy contained two deputy marshals who were as usual looking for the men in hiding. Brother Livingston recognized them, being well acquainted with them, and as they approached he invited them into the office to have a drink. In the meantime the two brethren mentioned just retired to the rear room. The deputies were treated courteously by Bro. Livingston in his hospitable Scotch manner, joining with him in a social glass. After a while they took their leave. The two men in the rear room whom the officers would have given a great deal to apprehend at that particular time, no doubt breathed a trifle easier owing to Livingston's quick initiative.

James C. Livingston once remarked that people say of me "That I know no fear; but I am afraid at times though when called upon to do things I will not shirk from my duty.

After the laying of the capstone of the temple and the consequent closing of the stone quarry, Livingston and I continued in a sort of a partnership in getting out rock for commercial jobs. We got out stone for the Pioneer monument which stands at the head of Main Street, Salt Lake City, and which was completed in July 1897. We furnished stone for other cemetery monuments and buildings in Salt Lake City.

Following this Bro. Livingston moved to Fountain Green, San Pete County, to live. To this town his family had previously been moved. The family of William Livingston also moved to this town about this time.

When James A. Livingston, son of James C. and Annie E. Muir died, my wife and I went to the funeral at Fountain Green. I and my sister's oldest son, John M. Livingston were at the bedside of his father, James C. who was at this time very ill. On this occasion he earnestly charged his son John M. to be sure to have the necessary temple work done for his deceased son James A. I understand that this was done according to his wishes.

While living in Fountain Green he was ordained to the office and calling of a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As is customary and as Patriarchs are instructed, it was his earnest desire to bless the members of his own family. To what extent he did this I have no knowledge. However I recall his saying to us: "l like to give Patriarchal blessings and especially to members of my own family."

In conversation with him at one time at Fountain Green he said that his old associates and friends like Presidents Young, Taylor, Woodruff, Snow and others had passed away, and that consequently he was now forgotten and overlooked by the younger generation of Church authorities with whom he was not or had not been on such intimate terms. This was not by way of complaint but just in the natural order of things as life goes.

James C. Livingston passed from this life on October 17, 1909. On the day of the funeral just before the hour for the services, his wife Agnes directed his son Thomas W. and I to go to the basement of the home and get the box containing the remains of his right arm. It will be remembered that he lost the arm by reason of a premature blast while working on the Union Pacific Rail Road in Echo Canyon. He had kept the box containing the arm in a box which was buried in the lost at his home in the 20th ward for many years, taking it to Fountain Green with him at the time of his removal there. I noted that it was at this time in a new box. At the conclusion of the services and when the body was laid in the grave the arm was placed at his right side where it belonged. The burial was in the Fountain Green cemetery. In the year 1910 the family erected a nice monument to his memory. It may there be seen at any time.

A few years ago there was a movement of foot to erect a suitable monument somewhere near the mouth of Little Cottonwood canyon to the memory of the men who worked at the quarries getting out the stone for the Salt Lake temple. There were women too who worked in the boarding house preparing the food. However, the matter seemed to lag and was all but abandoned owing to the high cost of the estimate submitted for the quarrying of the suitable slab of granite. Late the matter was taken up again and I volunteered to give my labor free and would see that a slab of granite of suitable size was furnished if due credit would be given on the monument to John Sharp and James C. Livingston. The needed stone was duly provided by the Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association. A box containing the names of those who worked at the quarry, as far as obtainable at this time, with a brief history of its operations was placed in a cavity within the monument.

This data was largely compiled by Wm. D. Kuhre. Sandy, Utah, December 12, 1935

Scotland Has a Bonus Feature

by Jaynann Lillywhite

Scotland has a bonus feature when it comes to doing family history research. This bonus was their tradition in olden times to name their children according to a certain pattern. Let’s see if you can discover the pattern. This is a great activity for family members; children and grandchildren too. To find the answers log on to FamilySearch.org and go to James Livingston 1783 (LL9L-3TF) and Christina Campbell Livingston.

What did Granny Christina Livingston’s daughters name their oldest daughters and their second oldest daughters?

Agnes Livingston Campbell           ____________________                _______________________

Grace Livingston Lindsay              ____________________                _______________________

Catharine Livingston Torrance      ____________________                n/a

Janet Livingston Brown                ____________________                _______________________

Note: Elizabeth, if this is truly our Elizabeth, did not follow the naming tradition. (Austraila’s records are inferior to Scotland’s so are not helpful for verification).

How did James and Christina Livingston name their children?

Oldest son             ____________________                Name of James’ father   ________________________

Second son           ____________________                James’ mother               ________________________

Oldest daughter     ____________________                Christina’s father           ________________________

Second daughter   ____________________                Christina’s mother         ________________________

How did James’ parents, Archibald 1760 and Grissell name their children?

Oldest son             ________________________                Archibald’s father     ________________________

Second son           ________________________                Archibald’s mother   ________________________

Oldest daughter     ________________________                Grissell’s father       ________________________

Second daughter   ________________________                Grissell’s mother     ________________________

Can you see the pattern?

The oldest son was named after the paternal grandfather and the second son the maternal grandfather. The daughters were opposite perhaps to keep things even. The oldest daughter was named after the maternal grandmother and the second daughter after the paternal grandmother. After that the children were often named after the parents and then the aunts and the uncles.

To see how understanding this naming tradition can help in doing family history research consider the following situations.

John McArthur and Elizabeth Livingstone had the following children: Sarah, Peter, Margaret, Archibald, Agnes, John, Elizabeth, Marion

If they followed the naming tradition, tell us the names of the:

Father’s parents:
Mother’s parents

Now look it up on Family Search to see if you’re right. John McArthur’s # is 9S6P-K6M

That was easy. Can you do this one?

There are 3 women with the same name born in the same place within just a few years of each other.

In 1765 Thomas Jap and Margaret Kilgour named their baby daughter Euphemia Jap.
In 1768 another Thomas Jap and his wife Katherine Cowen named their baby Euphemia Jap.
In 1770 James Jap and Christian Muir named their daughter Euphemia Jap.

One of the Euphemias married David Paterson in 1789 and they named their children in this order: Robert, Katherine, Isabel, Isabel, Agnes, Joan and Thomas. Which Euphemia 1, 2 or 3, do you think married David? By the way, Euphemia 2 and 3 are first cousins because Thomas and James are brothers!

One more! 3 Thomas Japs

Thomas Jap born in 1730 was the son of Walter Jap and Alison Williamson
Thomas Jap born in 1732 was the son of Walter Jap and Katherine Beverage
Thomas Jap born in 1734 was the son of David Jap and Margaret Beverage

Which Thomas Jap do you think married Katherine Cowen and named their children in this order: Mary, Katherine, Elpet (a daughter), Walter, Euphemia, James and Robert

So if your parents had followed the Scottish naming tradition what would your name have been? How many grandchildren would have your name?

More 2016 Reunion Photos

Board Member Information

Photo Name, Phone Assignment Line Term Expires
Karolyn Hall.jpg
Karolyn Hall, 719-661-4014 Co-chair James Line 2017
Mike Livingston 2014.jpg
Mike Livingston, 801-850-3616 Co-chair James Line 2017
Jaynann Lillywhite.jpg
Jaynann Lillywhite, 505-632-2514 Family History Research Isabella Line2017
Mickie Lewis Avatar.jpg
Mickie Lewis, 801-250-9323 Treasurer James Line 2018
Eric Epperson Avatar.jpg
Eric Epperson, 801-599-4327 Reunion Co-chair William Line 2018
Celeste Livingston Avatar.jpg
Celeste Livingston, 801-885-7944 Reunion Co-chair Archibald Line 2018
Amy Metler.jpg
Amy Metler, xxx-xxx-xxxx Reunion Assistant William Line2019
Dennis Davis.jpg
Dennis Davis, xxx-xxx-xxxx Family History, Photography, Mailing List James Line2019
Evie Brewerton, 801-580-7939 Reunion Assistant William Line2019

The PDF version of this newsletter can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here (1.4 MB).

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