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LFA Newsletter Volume 43, Issue 1 (Spring 2016)

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7731 Jefferson Road
Magna, UT 84044

Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Date: Spring 2016


The Green Book Has Been Scanned!

by Mary Ann Swalberg
"The Green Book"
My husband, Dave Swalberg, and I just completed a mission scanning books for FamilySearch and it was a wonderful experience. One of the most cherished experiencds we had was scanning the book: ARCHIBALD LIVINGSTON: DESCENDANTES AND ANCESTORS, all 705 pages, one by one. It took us about three and one-half hours to complete the book and it was an interesting a very rewarding experience.

You can only view the book in a family history center because it is copyright protected – there are living people in the book. To view it, go to a family history center and bring up Family Search.org, then go to the “Search” menu. A drop box will come up and you go to “Books” and put the name in the search bar. All the books that have the name Livingston will come up that have been scanned. It is fun to see what is there. Try it!

Another function of FamilySearch Family Tree that is “rolling out” is the “Gallery” in Memories. Soon, we will all be able to view photos, documents, stories, and audio memories on one page – a Gallery on a person’s life instead of having all the elements in Memories separate. One by one, it is being release to Family Tree patrons. It will be good to see everything that is there.

Recently, I had the privilege of scanning and putting many family photos into Family Tree. My brother, Richard Smith Prows, passed away a year ago and his daughter brought me a grocery sack of photos. There were some real jewels in there. All of them were from my Smith/Livingston line. I come through Charles and Ellen Harrocks Livingston and I added new photos of Ellen and their children. There are photos of my grandmother, Ellen Livingston Smith, and many other family members that were not already in there. If you want to have some fun, go to FamilySearch Family Tree and meet your cousins. You will see photos, documents, stories, and even hear their voices. Enjoy!!

By the way, if there are any of you who wonder how to get onto FamilySearch and haven’t registered, it is very easily done. Just go to FamilySearch.org and follow the directions in the top right-hand corner on how to register for an account. You will need your LDS membership number and birth date. If you already have an LDS account with username and password, you don’t need to register with another one. Just sign in. If you have any questions, click on “Get Help.” Good Luck!!

It's Almost Reunion Time!!

Mark your calendars now for the 52nd Annual Livingston Reunion! Don’t miss your chance to meet new relatives, share histories, and learn about your amazing Livingston heritage!

When: Saturday, June 18th 2016
Where: Provo North Park, 500 W. 500 N., Provo, UT
Time: 10:00am
Cost: FREE!! (Bring a smile)

We will learn some new things about our heritage, go back in time to an exciting Pioneer Village, take a tour with the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, hear from an incredible speaker, have a pot-luck lunch together (main course and beverage provided), and receive passes to the beautiful Provo Recreation Center for swimming and fun for the rest of the day!!

We will also be doing a temple session at the new Provo City Center Temple on Friday, June 17th 2016 at 6:00pm

The William Line
This year we highlight the William and Lillias Dick Livingston Line. William is the brother of James, Charles, Isabella, Archibald, and Helen. William and Lillias Dick had 12 children that all lived to become adults. For more information see these links: William and Lillias.

We invite any of their descendants to bring photos, histories, and any other items that can be displayed at the reunion. If you would like to submit or write a history for one of their children or grandchildren, etc., please send it to board@livingstonfamily.org and we will provide copies at the reunion.

Reunion Chairs
Eric Epperson, 801-599-4327
Celeste Livingston, 801-885-7944
Call us with questions, suggestions, or to volunteer.

The Livingston Legacy Lives On Through Stott Cook

by Stott Cook
Stott Cook
Pioneer stories of the Livingston’s usually begin in Scotland and deal with the 300 years the family was indentured to the Lords to work in the coal mines.

Mine begins in Birch Creek and Fountain Green when my grandfather, David Cook, married Jean Livingston, daughter of William Livingston and Lillias Dick.

My grandfather helped my dad, Loyal Cook, buy a ranch up White River in Colorado in 1943. I was two years old and we lived in Craig, Colorado. I was a rowdy kid but my life changed when Lewis Livingston called me on a mission.

My life further changed when I returned from my mission. My dad was killed in an airplane crash, leaving my mom to raise six children, I being the oldest.
Stott Cook

My mom said, “Stott, if you are ever to amount to anything, you better get an education.”

I got a BS degree at Utah State University and married Jeanne Harding. We went back to school and I got my MS and Jeanne got her BS degree.

We moved to Salt Lake City where I spent 30 years as a counselor for Family Services and Jeanne spent 30 years teaching school. We have three children: Julie, Jennifer, and Brett. We have 12 grandchildren, six boys and six girls.

Jeanne died 12 years ago. I spend most of my time with grandchildren and at my place in Bear Lake.

I’m proud of my Livingston heritage. I got started on Livingston reunions later in life, but made up for it by serving six years on the Livingston board.

It’s been a good life.

Jean and Bill Livingstone Update!!

Enid received the note from Jean in Scotland. It is wonderful to stay
connected to our relatives so far away. We love and miss them.

A merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.
I hope you and your much loved family are all well.
We now have three great grandchildren, all girls,
this makes nine girls in all (not a laddie in sight!)
Laura, Ian,and their families are all doing well.
With much love from all the Livingstones in Scotland.
and kind thoughts through the Christmas Season
from Bill and Jean

Family History Update

by Jaynann Lillywhite

I am attempting to identify as many of the descendants as I can who were born before 1905 of Granny Christina Livingston’s parents and descendants of her husband, James Livingston’s, parents. If you’d like to see my findings go to Ancestry.com and search in the “public member trees” for Christina Livingston born 1796, in Dalgetty, Fife, Scotland. This is not Granny but her sister‐in‐law! I discovered this sibling of James’ a year or two ago and so she is not in many Livingston trees yet.

I named my tree the Isabella Livingston Family tree after my ancestor, Isabella. There are over 2,000 Livingston cousins in the tree at present. Even though a good portion of them were already in Family Search, I have tried to document every person with sources to verify they do indeed belong to this family. (I am sorry that because of copyright laws I have not been able to attach the hundreds of documents I have purchased from ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk.). I have had to remove a few people, believe it or not, because I proved that conclusions made in the past were incorrect. But more importantly, I have added hundreds of cousins to the tree. And so I’d like to give my sincere thanks to the many people who have helped and are still helping do the temple ordinance work for our Livingston cousins. There were about 40 of us who participated in the temple session at the Salt Lake Temple in June 2014 when we started this project. Many continued to help after that.

I’d like to give special thanks to one of our cousins, Robert Eugene Livingston, who keeps us totally caught up with the male names! He goes to the St George Temple 6 days a week and does 11 endowments a week. He is a descendant on the Archibald Jr 1845 line (second to youngest son of Archibald 1808 and Jean Bain). At present there are about 6 devoted female cousins also helping who deserve our thanks, but we need more. There are well over 100 female names that have not been given out and more are being added all the time. If you are interested in helping with the female names please email Jaynann Lillywhite at lillywhitesonpixley@yahoo.com . That way YOU can be part of the grand Livingston Reunion on the other side!

The Livingstons Settle in Craig

by Stott Cook

The telling of the Livingston story typically starts in Scotland when the family was indentured and working in the coal mines. With the country ending the practice of indenturement and two Mormon missionaries sent to England ending up in Scotland, the Livingston conversions and migration to this country begins. Usually the focus is on Christina (also known as Granny Livingston) and family and the six years it took her to get from Scotland to Liverpool, England. Getting on a boat and spending six weeks on the ocean before landing in New Orleans was a struggle. Ferrying up the Mississippi and crossing the plains to the Salt Lake Valley would test the will of the hardiest of people. We celebrate the family settling in the Valley, working at the temple quarry and on the Pacific railroad. Sometimes the stories end when Brigham Young sent them to Birch Creek. However, pioneer stories continued long after that with each family. So it was with the family of William and Lillias Dick Livingston.

Many family members ended up on the Western slope of Colorado employed in the livestock business. The open country found there was perfect for raising sheep, high mountains for summer range and lowland for winter range.

Joe Livingston
Joe Livingston led the migration to Colorado during the 1940's with headquarters at the Motherwell Ranch (name comes from a city in Scotland). A man with much initiative and

great ingenuity, there was nothing he wouldn't tackle. In the early years of his marriage Joe worked in the coal mines, but when given a chance, he established himself as a sheepman. He began in Sanpete County, but in the early twenties moved his outfit to Weber Canyon around Chalk Creek and Coalville. Seeing opportunity in Craig, Colorado, Joe sold and resettled, eventually running around 20,000 sheep in the surrounding area. He was instrumental in establishing many of his nephews and family members in the sheep business in Colorado.

Joe and the extended Livingston family that settled in Western Colorado were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. From a humble Sunday School meeting at the Motherwell Ranch to two stakes, the story of their success in the livestock business was equaled by the growth of the church. Joe and the family that followed were an important part of the growth of the church. Like the pioneers before them, the families all faced hardships. Weather, finances, sickness, death, and divorce tested them. But, living in the small country towns, the Colorado mountains, the growth of the church, all helped overshadow the hardships. The Colorado Livingstons wrote a great story!

For this history and more, click Livingstons of Craig, Colorado.

Board Member Information

Photo Name, Phone Assignment Line Term Expires
Dana Rogers.jpg
Dana Rogers, 801-369-2093 Co-Chair Charles Line2016
Mary Ann Swalberg.jpg
Mary Ann Swalberg, 801-869-0735 Co-Chair Charles Line2015
Enid Cox.JPG
Enid Cox, 801-706-2639 Treasurer James Line2016
Mickie Lewis Avatar.jpg
Mickie Lewis, 801-250-9323 Assistant Treasurer James Line 2018
Eric Epperson Avatar.jpg
Eric Epperson, 801-599-4327 Reunion Co-chair William Line 2018
Celeste Livingston Avatar.jpg
Celeste Livingston, 801-885-7944 Reunion Co-chair Archibald Line 2018
Bob Folsom.jpg
Bob Folsom, 801-821-8335 Family History Research Charles Line2016
Jaynann Lillywhite.jpg
Jaynann Lillywhite, 505-632-2514 Family History Research Isabella Line2017
Mike Livingston 2014.jpg
Mike Livingston, 801-850-3616 Technology / Newsletter James Line 2017
Karolyn Hall.jpg
Karolyn Hall, 719-661-4014 Newsletter James Line 2017

The PDF version of this newsletter can be viewed and downloaded by clicking 2016 Spring Newsletter (1.2 MB).

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This page has been accessed 4,740 times. This page was last modified on 4 April 2016, at 04:51.


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