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LFA Newsletter Volume 42, Issue 1 (Springl 2015)

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1283 Logan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Volume: 42 Issue: 1 Date: Spring 2015


Charles Line Wins Trophy

Thank you for attending the 2014 Livingston reunion held at Chase Mill, the site of the 1926 reunion. We were so excited to have over 150 people in attendance. For the first time since we can remember, the Charles line took home the trophy for the most people in attendance. We were especially excited to have families join us who had never attended before.

Everyone had a wonderful time enjoying the activities and spending time together. Here are a few photos that may spark your memory of the event.

Myrna Rasmussen and Lorraine Douglas
Always plenty of great food at the Livingston Family Reunion
Gilgal Garden

New Board Members

We are pleased to announce that we have two new board members. Jaynann Lillywhite, daughter of Sterling and Donna Bench, is one of our Family History Board members. She has done the research to find many more cousins to do temple work for. Mike Livingston, son of Blaine and LuJean Livingston will be our board member to assist with technology and membership. We are excited that they are willing to share their talents and to serve on the Livingston Family Board.

Jaynann Lillywhite : Family History Co-Chair
Mike Livingston : Technology & Membership

2014 Reunion

GILGAL GARDEN -- created by Thomas Battersby Child (grandson of Charles Livingston 1835)

Captain of the Lord's Host
The Sphynx
Monument to the Trade
Monument to the Priesthood

All enjoyed meeting at Gilgal Gardens where Mary Ann Dresher, a granddaughter of Thomas, was our tour guide and explained the meaning and symbolism of the statues and how the sculptor is related to the Livingston family. Addition information can be found by visiting the Friends of Gilgal Garden website at Gilgal Sculpture Garden. There is also an audio tour by Hortense Child the daughter-in-law of Thomas Battersby Child, the creator of the gardens, which you can listen to on your device anytime and especially when you visit the gardens at Gilgal Sculpture Garden Tour.

Then Chase Mill provided a place for our classes. We learned more about Gilgal Gardens from Bob Folsom, a nephew of Thomas Child. Jaynann Lillywhite did a power point presentation on how much easier it is to find ancestors on FamilySearch.org. We enjoyed the Livingston rap performed by the younger Livingston cousins. The children made snow cones, learned how to play marbles and participated in the Scottish Sword Dance. Thank you for bringing a dish for the potluck. There was more food than even our group could eat. Hopefully everyone was also able to enjoy the free pass to Tracy Aviary and learn about the birds.

Note: All Gilgal Sculpture Garden images have been used with permission of the Friends of Gilgal Garden.

The Livingston Rap
Kids enjoy the snow cones
David Cook and daughter Karina Penrod
Scottish Sword Dance

2015 Livingston Reunion at Heber Valley Camp

We are looking forward to the 2015 Livingston Reunion to be held at the Heber Valley Camp on June 19-20, 2015. Enjoy an enclosed, heated pavilion for meals and hours of catching up with your favorite cousin. There will be great activities, like the Challenge Courses which include (ropes courses, zip line, pole climbing, a swinging pole, a giant swing), canoeing, games, presentations and more getting acquainted with family. Don’t miss it! If you would like to be part of the planning, please email us.

Reserve a Cabin-- If you would like to reserve a cabin that sleeps 16 for $64.00 or part of a cabin at $4.00 per bunk, email board@livingstonfamily.org. We have reserved 9 cabins so rally your extended family, reserve a cabin or part of a cabin and mail your check and plan for a fun filled event.

Heber Valley Camp
Bunk Beds
Zip Line
Local Wildlife (Moose)

From Slavery to Freedom and from Poverty to Prosperity and Prominence

Decisions that opened up a world of opportunities for the Livingston’s
-- Submitted by Dana Rogers

Scottish Coal Miners : Miners in front of the mine with row houses behind.

Were our Livingston ancestors slaves? For over 200 years our Livingston ancestors were coal miners. Mining became an industry with rapid growth during the reign of James VI. The greatest problem of all was the supply of labour for the pits to meet the sudden and enormous expansion of the coal market. In 1606 the coalminers were made into slaves. The act of Parliament which accomplished this and solved the manpower problem was in force for nearly two centuries,from 1606 to 1799. and its victims could still be met in the times of our grandfathers. due to the new increased demand for coal in Scotland, the 1606 act was passed which stole the freedom of the coal miner. The 1606 Act was carried out to the letter and succeeded in making the collier an enslaved class. Their lot was very similar to that of the blacks on the plantations in the South of the United States prior to the Civil War. The legal and social degradation by many Acts of Parliament caused the rest of the population to look upon the miners as something less than human. They were herded together in miserable hovels in villages close to the pits. In Fife the dead collier was not allowed to be buried in the same ground as a free labourer.

Did our ancestors really sell the future labor of their children?

A custom grew up among the miners of "arling" their children to the Coal Master. This "arling" which was the sale of future labour of the child in return for a sum of money was witnessed by the minister and others
Scottish Boy Coal Miners
became a formal and regular custom. Thus the child of the collier was sold into slavery. "Wives, sons and daughters went on from generation to generation under the system which was the family doom." So said Lord Cockburn in his "Memorials".

What was life like for a child coal miner? Margaret Leveston, 6 years old, coal bearer. "Been down the pit at coal carrying for six weeks; makes 10 to 14 rakes (journeys) a day; carries a full 56 lbs. of coal in a wood backit. The work is na guid; it is so very sair. I work with sister Jesse and mother; dinna ken the time we gang it is gae dark. Get plenty of broth and porridge and run home and get a bannock. never been to school it is so very far away."

Another example is the evidence of a 12 year old boy. Alexander Reid, aged 12. "I have worked two years at Sherriff-hall and go below at two or three in the morning and hew coal till six at night. The pit I work in is very wet. We often work in slush over our shoe tops. When first below I used to fall asleep. It is most terrible work. I am wrought in a 30 inch seam and am obliged to twist myself up to work on my side. This is my everyday work except Friday when I go down at 12 at night and come up at 12 noon."

Henderson Coal Mine, where our ancestors lived and worked

What decisions allowed the Livingston’s to leave Scotland and come to America? Parliment's decision to pass legislation in 1824 that coal miners were no longer slaves was a turning point in the lives of our ancestors. With the new “freedom” for colliers they had permission to leave the mines. Unfortunately, most did not leave because they did not have any other way to make a living, like our family. The 2nd decision that changed their lives was becoming members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 1849 and emigrating to Utah in 1853-4 (see [James Campbell Livingston]).

From this time on it is amazing what they were able to accomplish. With their freedom, faith and commitment to living the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they raised families with integrity, worked extremely hard to provide for them and to educate them. They served in their congregations and in their communities. Many held very responsible positions in the early years in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Birch Creek. These included being a spy for Brigham Young, a sheriff, in charge of the granite quarry for 40 years. laying the capstone on the SLC temple, and more.

We have a wonderful heritage and great examples to follow. When we or our children think that things are a little too tough, let’s remind them and ourselves how blessed we are and follow the example of our determined ancestors who overcame their hardships and succeeded. Using the histories on Livingston Family.org can help us pass on this legacy. Each history is worth reading and sharing with our families.

The information (in italkics) for this article was found in The Livingstones of Fordell by William Livingstone[1] Bill Livingstone is a cousin who descends from Robert, the brother of James who was the grandfather of the five grandchildren his wife Christina, (Granny) brought to Utah.)

The Livingston Legacy Live On Through Donna Bench and LaVonne VanOrden

-- Submitted by Donna Bench

LaVonne VanOrden & Donna Bench

After returning from our mission in 1985, being filled with the spirit of Elijah, I traveled to the Salt Lake Genealogy Library regularly. My quest was to find Jean Bain or was she Jane Brown? The association had given us a parentage that didn’t seem right but might have been. My father Veron S. Thomander had worried about this for years.

I took up the quest. Not long after I started, my sister, LaVonne, a dedicated family history worker, joined me in my efforts. We met weekly and learned much about the work in Scotland, name patterning, and what guidance we got which was invaluable at the desk. They helped us learn how the records were recorded and what was correct when we found something we thought was from our family. We went on with the Livingston family and their move into Airdrie. We mourned at Archibald and Jean’s death and rejoiced at Granny’s faith and courage and worked on back as far as we could go on the Livingston line.

Livingston Family Research!

-- Submitted by Jaynann Lillywhite

1. We had an awesome temple trip in connection with the Livingston reunion in June. Enough descendants gathered at the Salt Lake Temple on Friday night to complete at least 30 endowments for Livingston cousins and 40 sealings. Thanks to all who participated! Many have requested and complete ordinances since then. If anyone would like to take Livingston cousins’ names to the temple please email me (Jaynann Lillywhite) at lillywhitesonpixley@yahoo.com.

2. If anyone would like one-on-one help over the phone to get started on research on any of your lines I could probably help you. My experience is limited to English speaking countries like the US and Great Britain. Email me at the above email so we can exchange phone numbers and find a time that would work.

3. Here is some research findings that may be of interest to all those who are familiar with the family of Granny Christina and her husband James Livingston. As many of you know their grandson James wrote out his family members on a copy of the Millennial Star. Included with his eleven aunts and uncles is Agnes Mcluckie 1821, who is Granny’s niece and not her daughter. Apparently Granny and James raised her when her mother, Granny’s sister Janet Livingston 1792, died. We have not found a death record for Janet but her husband Alexander McLuckie remarried in 1824. It’s fun to note that both Granny and Janet named their eldest daughter after their mother Agnes which was in accordance with the Scottish naming tradition. Agnes McLuckie married John Hamilton and had at least 8 children. In 1873 when Janet Hamilton died her death record reports that her parents were Alexander McLuckie and Janet McLuckie maiden surname Livingston.

Isabella Livingston

-- Submitted by Donna Bench

Isabella Livingston Aiken
Samuel Ruggles Aiken
Aiken Children

Isabella Livingston was born Jul 10, 1843 to Archibald and Jean Bain Livingston in Airdrie, Scotland. Her father had three children by Helen Conners before she died. Isabella, Archibald and William were born to his second wife, Jean Bain. Her parents both died leaving them orphaned. Their grandmother, Christina Campbell Livingston or Granny Christine took over the roll of parent.

Isabella was only 12 when they left for Zion. They were in such poverty that I wonder if that had anything to do with Isabella who was endowed and sealed to Samuel Ruggles Aiken, a 54 year old Salt Lake City school teacher two months before her 14th birthday. He left the next day on a mission to the east where he originated and then Canada. These missionaries were called back home when Johnson’s army entered the Valley in 1858.

The Aikens made their home in Millcreek for the next 5 years and then settled in Spring City, Sanpete Co. where Samuel farmed and taught school in Ephraim. Their 6 sons and one daughter, Samuel 1859, John 1962, James 1865, Charles 1867, Sarah Jane 1869, Joseph 1871, Lorenzo 1873 lived to maturity. All married except John. Samuel R. Aiken died in 1896 and Isabella in 1905.

Additionally, a full page of information about Isabella Livingston can be found here.

Board of Directors

Board members 2014-2015  
Photo Name Assignment Line Term Expires
Dana Rogers.jpg
Dana Rogers Chairperson Charles Line2016
Mary Ann Swalberg.jpg
Mary Ann Swalberg Vice Chair/Secretary Charles Line2015
Daidre Francom.jpg
Daidre Francom Reunion Chair James Line2015
Trent Lewis.jpg
Trent Lewis Reunion Co Chair James Line2015
Enid Cox.JPG
Enid Cox Secretary/Treasurer James Line2016
Bob Folsom.jpg
Bob Folsom Family History Co-Chair Charles Line2016
Jaynann Lillywhite.jpg
Jaynann Lillywhite Family History Co-Chair Isabella Line2017
Mike Livingston 2014.jpg
Mike Livingston Technology, Membership James Line 2017
Karolyn Hall.jpg
Karolyn Hall Newsletter James Line 2017


  1. William Livingstone, The Livingstones of Fordell, LFAWiki, June 1980

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