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LFA Newsletter Volume 40, Issue 1 (Spring 2013)

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1283 Logan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Date: Spring 2013


Livingston 2013 Reunion

Livingston Flyer jpg.jpg

The Traveling Trophy goes to the line with the most people in attendance. William has won twice and James once, who will be next?

Welcome Back Descendants of the Archibald Family Line

by Dana Rogers, Chairman
Six generations of Livingstons

My family and I have been attending the Livingston Family Reunions for many years. I don't remember ever meeting a Livingston from the Archibald line. I wondered what had happened to them. There are only 21 people from his line in our list of 598 Livingstons. Over the years we have lost contact with many of them. I was able to talk to several wonderful people who descend from Archibald In Texas, Missouri, California and Utah, all of whom were willing to send the Livingston Family Association histories and photos of the Archibald line. The new history and the photos in this newsletter came from some of these people.

We want to extend a very special invitation to all descendants of Archibald and Elizabeth McLean to join us at the Livingston Family Reunion on June 15th in Salt Lake City this year. We encourage you to bring your parents, your siblings and your children and grandchildren so they can join us in celebrating the Legacy of the Livingston Family. Please bring histories, photos, keepsakes and anything you would like to display that will help us get acquainted with you.

The History of Archibald Livingston and Elizabeth McLean

From Archibald Livingston Descendants and Ancestors, pg. 228
Painting of Archibald Livingston

Archibald was born December 7, 1845 in Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland. He was the son of Archibald Livingston (1808) and Jean Bain. He was baptized in the Latter-day Saint Church on October 8, 1855 about one week after arriving in Salt Lake City. They immigrated to the United States and crossed the plains with the pioneers to Utah. He arrived in Salt Lake on September 25, 1855 (age 9 years 10 months). He married Elizabeth McLean in the Endowment House on November 25, 1865 (age 20). They homesteaded property in Salt Lake and also out in Cottonwood. He had charge of a sawmill in Cottonwood and also was in the lumber business with William Armstrong. He also hauled granite for the Salt Lake Temple from the rock quarry in Little Cottonwood Canyon, which was run by his brother, Jim (James Campbell Livingston). He died May 30, 1876. He left four children, the youngest only 13 months. He is buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

Elizabeth McClean was born 6 April, 1941 in Stevenston, Ayrshire, Scotland. Her family were sheepherders. She was one of two daughters born to Barbara and John McLean. They joined the Latter-day Saint Church in Scotland. The mother, Barbara died there. Elizabeth, her sister Margaret and their father, John soon after immigrated to the United States. They joined a Handcart Company going to Utah. The father became ill soon after they arrived in the United States. The two girls pushed him in the handcart most of the way. The girls each only had one pair of shoes so they traveled barefoot most of the way to save their only shoes. John McLean died three months after they arrived in Salt Lake and is buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

Elizabeth McClean married Archibald Livingston in the Endowment House in Salt Lake on 25, November 1865. They had six children. Two of their children died in infancy. They were named Barbara and William Livingston. The other children were Archibald, Jean, John and Elizabeth Livingston. After Archibald died, she raised her four children in Salt Lake. They lived part of the time in the home on 5th East just below South Temple, and part of the time on 10th East in the old 11th Ward district. The home on 5th East was later leased to the Sister of the Holy Cross for their first hospital in Salt Lake.

She was a very strong person, about 5 foot 6 inches tall with auburn hair which turned white. Even in the last years of her life she could walk all the way to Cottonwood from Salt Lake (about 10 miles) to visit her friends from Scotland, the McGees. She died 13th December, 1923 at the home of her daughter Elizabeth on E Street in Salt Lake and is buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

New Information 3/20/2013: Salt Lake Cemetery Sexton records state that Archibald died of pneumonia and was attended by two physicians.

This is all we know about Archibald and Elizabeth, if you can add additional information, please send it to board@livingstonfamily.org.

History of Archibald (1900) son of Archibald and Eleanor Burt Livingston

by Adele Livingston, wife of Jack who listened through the years to the wonderful memories expressed by Gladys and the children of Arch.
Archibald Livingston

Archibald (Arch) Livingston was born March 20, 1900 in Salt Lake City, UT to Archibald and Eleanor (Nell) Burt Livingston. He was the third child and only son in a family of five girls. Jean, Elizabeth, Margaret, Marjorie, (twins) and Virginia. His parents were separated (never divorced) after the death of their eldest child, Jean at 12 years old. After this tragedy, Arch quit school and went to work for the Royal Bakery in Salt Lake to support his mother and sisters.

In 1921 Arch, his mother, a brother-in-law and four sisters moved to Los Angeles CA via San Francisco, the only road at that time. When the road wasn't visible, they drove down the railroad tracks. They were members of Adams Ward, the only one in Los Angeles.

Arch in front of his bakery

Arch opened a Bakery on Eagle Rock Blvd. in the Glassel Park District of Los Angeles. He was told by a worker one day that he had visitor Dusting off the flour from his white clothes, he walked out to see who was there. His cousin Gladys Love and a friend had come from Salt Lake to visit Los Angeles. There, sitting on a flour barrel, was the girl Arch would marry in a few months, Gladys Jane Olsen. Their romance began a few days later when he took her to a movie.

Their courtship was difficult because she lived in Holladay, UT. She was five years younger than he and was a very fun loving girl, while he was more reserved and mature. When he came to visit her in Utah and met her parents, they were very impressed with him. He bought a car for her so she could drive herself to the U of U. to finish out her second year. Their letters depict the insecurity that an inter-state romance entails. On January 6, 1927, they were married in Salt Lake. They had a Temple marriage in Salt Lake on June 11, 1930.

Arch moved his bakery to larger store a few doors down and called it "The Livingston Bakery". He had steady customers for years to come. Arch had purchased a lot on nearby Marguerite St. and he and a brother-in-law built a small home on the back of the lot. Son Robert was born on December 22, 1927. Jean was born February 11 , 1929, and Jack, April 22, 1931. Soon, a beautiful new Spanish style home was built in the front. Keith was born December 1, 1932 . They lived happily in this home for seven years, with Arch's mother, sisters and their families living close by. Gladys was the Primary President in the Glendale East Ward. Arch was generous in contributing to the Church and to Missionaries, but was busy cleaning the Bakery on Sundays. He was a very hard worker and continued to be generous to his mother and family members.

Arch & Gladys Livingston family

Due to increasing traffic, Arch became concerned that their street was un-safe for the children. They took a trip to La Canada, several miles north, and fell in love with the area. In 1938, Arch and Gladys had a beautiful Tudor Home built at 5024 Hill St. Baby Nancy was born July 25, 1938 and Arch was happy with a girl.

This home became a center for friends and relatives. Located on an acre with a sprawling lawn in front, there was room for kids to play safely. Arch was a reserved person, but loved having people around his home. He also enjoyed chickens, canaries, and a horse he purchased for the kids. The good memories of that home, the local school and the idyllic neighborhood made cherished memories for all the Livingston kids.

Even though the children had their turns working at the Bakery, Arch didn't want his boys to become bakers. He felt the work was hard and took too many hours. Gladys helped by doing the books and sometimes worked behind the counter. Along with raising five children and taking her turn as Relief Society President in the La Canada Ward, she had her hands full. It was rare when the Livingston's lived alone, as family members often came for long stretches. Arch had the opportunity to purchase l0 acres of orange trees in Covina, CA, about 20 miles away. It had a large old home on the property (which is now a State Historical sight). For five years he and the boys often drove out there to tend the land. His mother and sister, Virginia, and her son lived there to care for the home until it was sold five years later.

In 1949, Arch's health began to fail. His Doctor felt he should sell the bakery. Jean married Glen Crump, whom she met at BYU. He became a successful businessman, owning two car agencies. They have 4 children; Steven, Susie, Ronald and Brian. Robert went on a Spanish American Mission. Son Jack last saw his father when he handed him his bag, stepping on the train in Salt Lake to leave for a Brazil Mission. Jack feared he might not see his father again.

Keith had just entered the Air Force, and Arch was worried about him having to go to war. By this time, Arch had time to attend church more, and at one particular Stake Conference, the President asked for the parents of Missionaries to stand. Arch stood up. Then he asked for the parent who had two sons on a mission to remain standing. Gladys said Arch felt so proud.

When Robert came home, he went to BYU and met Marilyn Bradshaw, whom he married. Robert entered Dental School which pleased Arch. They have 4 children; Karen, Kathy, Cheryl, Donna. Arch became restless and purchased Nancy's Bakery in Temple City, CA. While there, he had his first stroke.

From this bakery he wrote letters to Jack in Brazil. Thankfully Jack saved every letter, giving a window into the heart of his father. He wrote sentiments that were harder for him to verbalize. Arch lived to see his children well on their way in life, and to know three grandchildren.

He was anxiously awaiting the return of Jack from Brazil . Sadly, he passed away the day before Jack's flight home. Jack met Adele Hepburn at BYU and they married. Jack became a Chemical Engineer in So. CA and they have 5 children; Craig, Lori, Kent, Gary and Darla.

Keith married Marthalene Anderson from his home Ward. Keith, like Robert, became a Dentist. They have 5 children; Cynthia, David, Jennifer, Linda and Alan. Nancy met Fred Whittingham at BYU and they married. Fred played in the NFL and became a Football Coach for BYU, The Rams, The Raiders, and the U of U. They have 6 children; Kyle, Cary, Fred, Brady, Julie and Amy.

Today, ( 2013) Arch and Gladys have 24 successful grandchildren and a posterity too many to count! We feel Arch and Gladys would consider their efforts to be good parents, well worth it. As family, we are so grateful for them.

Message from the Chairman

by Dana Rogers

We are taking nominations, or asking for volunteers, to serve on the board for 2 positions; family history research and website assistant. Ideally, we would like to have a board member represented from each line. Presently we do not have a board member from Isabella, William or Archibald. If you are interested in serving, please send email to board@livingstonfamily.org.

First Livingston Family Reunion

Ever wonder what they did at the first Livingston Family Association reunion Aug 29-30, 1927 at Liberty Park, SLC? The original program will give you an idea what they did and what was important to them. I believe that the reason the LFA has endured and grown is because Livingstons are proud of their heritage, love their family and want to keep this legacy alive in their families and descendants.

1927 Livingston Reunion program

Livingston Family Association Organized

In 1972 a new LFA organization was formed for the following purposes: generating family activity, renewing acquaintances, and researching our family heritage. Many Livingston's have served on the LFA boards beginning in 1926 because of a love for their heritage and desire to preserve and share information about the descendants of Archibald. As a board, we hope that The Livingston Family Association can help you foster a love for your heritage in your family and your descendants. The website, newsletters and reunions are provided to aid you in this goal. The goals of the Livingston Family Association were and continue to be:

Publication of "The Green Book"

The creation and publication in 1980 of the book, Archibald Livingston-Descendants & Ancestry was a tremendous feat. This book, known as "The Green Book" is still available. This book is 4 inches thick and has more than 1100 pages of photos, histories, genealogical and historical information about the earliest Livingstons down to those known in 1980. It can be pre-ordered for $115.00 plus any shipping charges. Contact Ron Livingston at (801)225-6661.


In 2003 Ross Livingston created our web site, livingstonfamily.org where we can all contribute information about the Livingston Family. This is an online extension of the Archibald book which is available at no cost to anyone worldwide. YOU can be a contributor to this website to preserve and share what you have inherited and what you will create for your posterity.

Volunteers Needed

As the LFA has grown there is a need for more volunteers to be involved to improve the association. We have formed the following committees and would like to have a representative from each line to serve with LFA board members.

  1. Genealogy Research/Histories
  2. Reunions
  3. Newsletter and Membership

We want your input and ideas to improve the LFA. This would involve a minimum amount of time and you don’t have to live in Utah. The bonus is that you will get to know and work with some wonderful people. Please email if you have interest or questions about being on a committee to, board@livingstonfamily.org.

A BIG THANK YOU!!! To those of you who have contacted us and are contributing information about your Livingston line. Eventually we hope to have a history of each on of the children of James, Charles, Isabella, Archibald and William in the Articles about People section. If you have a missing history, please send it or write one. We are looking for past issues of missing newsletters. If there are any copies in your possession prior to 1971, please send us a copy to make our archives more complete.

Scottish Events this summer in Utah

June 7 - 8, 2013 Scottish Days and Highland Games, Thanksgivingg Point Electric Park, 3003 North Thanksgiving Way, Lehi, UT Hours of Operation: Fri: 5pm-10pm, Sat: 9am-10pm, Price: $15 Adults (12 and older); Sat Concert is $8.00. Watch Highland Dancing, a performance demonstrating the stamina of a top athlete and the artistry of a dancer. Listen in on the plaintive songs of the Highlands during the famous piping and drumming competitions or catch a performance of Molly’s Revenge or the Wicked Tinkers. And don’t miss the Clan Circle in the center of the park. In each tent, find clan history, photos of clan events, members, and other historical information.

July 12, 2013 - July 13, 2013 FREE The 30th Annual Payson Scottish Festival and Highland Games will be held at Memorial Park in Payson, Utah. The Payson Scottish Festival is a free, community sponsored event for the whole family. The events begin Friday night where there will be food and entertainment at the park. The events continue on Saturday with Highland Athletics, Bagpipe and Drum Competitions, and Highland Dancing.

The Livingston Legacy of FAMILY and LOVE lives on through Dennis and Jeri Davis

Submitted by Karolyn Hall
Jeri and Dennis Davis

When Jeri and I first married in January of 1969, I was already very interested in my family. My Grandma Zada Livingston sent me a letter while I was in Brazil about the history of our family that really turned me on to knowing more about my family. I don't think I even knew the word "genealogy", yet. In July of 1969, Jeri and I took a little vacation to Utah for me to introduce my new wife to my family there. We stayed at Jesse and Zada Livingston's place. While there, my grandparents got out their big books of genealogy, set up a card table in the living room, and there I sat for four days copying the pedigree sheets. There were lots and lots of them. I was probably the only child/grandchild who had demonstrated any interest at all in their favorite hobby of genealogy and that made them very excited. My grandpa gave me a challenge to find Jesse Stayner, his great-grandfather, and I am still looking, but we're getting closer.

At the time, Jeri didn't understand my interest in genealogy. But, within a few months, she also began developing an interest in her own family history and began asking her mother, who was already interested in her family, but knew very little. Jeri joined the church while a sophomore in high school. Her father had roots in the church but he never went and neither did his parents. They knew nothing of the church. Jeri met friends in high school who were members and she liked the teachings of the missionaries and joined. Jeri's mother gave Jeri her parent's address in Minnesota and Jeri began the first of many letters asking for information on the family. At first her grandmother asked why she would want to know all that information, fearing skeletons in the closet would be exposed, but soon began giving Jeri information. Then Jeri really caught the Spirit of Elijah and began visiting family history libraries and federal archive buildings, looking for more information on her family.

What was interesting is that we both developed a very strong interest in both families. We learned to love each other's family as much as our own. Over the next few years, on vacation we would travel to cemeteries and try to find the last resting place of our family members and would take pictures of their headstones - not really having any place to put the pictures, other than our family picture album. And, only Jeri and I were very interested in our headstone pictures. But, we just liked knowing where our family was buried and liked visiting the area. It felt very special and sacred to us.

After the Internet and data information explosion, we began looking for family on line. After Google made its entrance into the searching market, I began using it to find ancestors and discovered Find-A-Grave. After being led to the website, Find-A-Grave, several times, I joined and we finally found a good place to store and show off our many pictures of headstones. And, we discovered many others who had the same interests that we had.

I really think a person has to go on line and experience the moving between family members and seeing the pictures and reading the biographies before they are going to understand what is going on with Find-A-Grave. Hopefully, when they do this, they will get the spirit of helping with the Livingston Family and then going further by doing the same thing with their own family. With that said, I don't know what more I can do other than give a website to anyone who would like to know more and then let them go to their computer and gain the experience.

My favorite Livingston website is | Granny's page on Find-a-Grave.

Granny's headstone
Christina Campbell Livingston

This is Granny' grave. From her website, anyone can click on the links of her children and her husband and travel around the family. One person can't do all this. It would be nice if others in the family would take an interest and add pictures and biographies. Even if I had them all and knew them all, I wouldn't have the time to do them all. It's a joint effort - as genealogy and temple work is.

Jeri and I continue searching on line for our family and getting them ready to have their ordinances done in the temple. I am the one who posts what we find on Find-A-Grave. And, we both love planning vacations to cemeteries to find our loved ones and take their picture. I think what we enjoy most about posting pictures on Find-A-Grave is the many friends we make. We have also found several cousins from America to England and Scotland. The website is totally free to all the world and comes up as a hit on the first page when anyone memorialized on it is Googled. Hopefully the posts on Find-A-Grave will aid in gathering our family together and getting all their ordinances finished. We have now been working in the Los Angeles Temple as ordinance workers for over a year and we have gained so much more understanding about and appreciation for the covenants and promises made in the temple.

We have now been requested to serve a mission in the office of the Cuiabá Brazil Mission and are in the process of turning in our papers to serve. I never thought we would serve away from home. There is plenty to do where we live. But, when the Spirit makes the call, there is no question. We know we will be blessed and we know our family will be blessed because of our sacrifice, though we really don't consider it a sacrifice. We love our family, immediate and extended, very much and will do anything necessary to get us all back together with Our Heavenly Parents.

Thanks to You Who Have Donated to our Family Organization

We appreciate your help and interest. We have been able to acquire some maps that will be on dispay at the 2013 reunion. They should be very helpful in identifying where our family lived and other important information in their histories. We are changing our request from “paying dues” to “making donations” as you can. You are all important members of our family and we hope you will come and participate – donations or not! The most important thing is learning about our ancestors, becoming acquainted with our relatives and instilling a love of our heritage in our families. By: Enid Cox, Treasurer

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