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LFA Newsletter Volume 36, Issue 1 (March 2009)

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1283 Logan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Volume: 36 Issue: 1 Date: March 2009


2009 Livingston Family Reunion

The theme for our reunion this year is "Our Heritage: Collecting, Writing and Preserving Life Stories" Please join us for this half-day reunion. There will be lots to learn for the adults, and fun games for the kids. And as usual, there will be plenty of food and great company for all to enjoy!

Date: June 20, 2009
Location: Provo Utah Edgemont Stake Center, 3700 North 303 West Provo, Utah (get directions)

11:00 AM - Arrive and visit (pavilion)
12:00 PM - Lunch - provided by the family association
1:00 PM - Business meeting; Kids' activities
2:00 PM - Presentations and workshops (chapel); Kids activities (outside)
4:00 PM - Dancing - Let's kick up our heels! Martha Veranth and the Scottish Country Dancers.

Goodbye treats: Sundaes and Shortbread!

This one day workshop/information reunion will be both informative and entertaining. This is a don't miss reunion!

Watch for our reminder postcard that will give detailed information on workshops and presentors.

Family History and Research Report

Pre-Reunion Temple Session

You are invited to join us at the Salt Lake City Temple on Friday, June 19 (the evening before the reunion) for the 6:00 PM session. Please plan to be in the chapel by 5:30 PM so you can join the rest of the Livingstons (we'll be the exceptionally good looking ones with big smiles on our faces).


The Livingston Board has extended the challenge to find a person who has not had their temple work completed. After you have submitted your name to Temple Ready and have completed the baptism, washing and anointing, you can meet us to do the endowment for this person. If you find family members that need to be sealed, we can meet together to do this work also. Don’t forget to look for incomplete ordinances for siblings, cousins and aunts and uncles of your ancestor.

Preparing Names for the Temple

If you live outside of Utah, you should already have access to the New Family Search, which will help you find all the information that has been submitted on your ancestor.

If you live in Utah, familySearch.org is where you can verify if the temple work is complete. You can register by clicking on Register in the top right corner of the screen. In order to see LDS ordinance dates you have to enter your membership record number and your date of confirmation. Go to Search Records, click on International Genealogical Index, type in as much as you know about your family member and click search.

(If you happen to have a membership to PAF Insight, you can complete this search from inside your PAF program on the tool bar under Tools. Or, if you would like, Dana Rogers Dana Rogers would be happy to run PAF Insight for you.)

If you have any questions or want someone to walk you through the search, call Dana Rogers at 801-226-3456 or email her at DanaRogers100@hotmail.com or email Dennis Davis at denri@earthlink.net.

Writing Family Histories

We hope you have enjoyed the Family Histories that have been submitted to the web site. We encourage you to write a story about your parents, grandparents or other ancestor and email it to board@livingstonfamily.org. Our goal is to have one new story every month. We really encourage you to do this for your family and for the rest of us who are interested in all of the Livingstons.

Scotland Anyone?

Flag of Scotland.svg

The Livingston Family Board has opened for discussion the idea of taking a guided tour to Scotland to visit our ancestral home. If any of you have any interest in doing this, please contact Dennis Davis at denri@earthlink.net, 626-335-7819, or P.O. Box 815, Glendora, CA 91740. If there's enough interest we will proceed with initial planning.


Dues are due. Thank you for helping us keep this organization going. We very carefully spend the money we get from dues for reunion and newsletter expenses. We suggest $20 per family per year. More or less is gladly accepted. You can mail your dues to:

Livingston Family Association
1283 Logan Avenue
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

Remember donations are tax deductible The Livingston Family Association has received approval from the Internal Revenue Service for tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the code. This means that contributions to our organization are deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.

In other words, contributions of all types to the Livingston Family Association are officially tax deductible (consult with your accountant for specific details).

Livingston Family Descendancy Project

Livingston Coat of Arms Patch

We have reached a milestone that we have worked for several years to accomplish. All the individual birth and marriage data contained in the 1808 Archibald Livingston “green” book, that was printed in 1980, has been entered into our electronic PAF database. Many other names have been added that have been sent in via the descendancy submittal charts. Many thanks to all of you who have sent them in. Our database now has over 7,700 names and over 2,250 marriages in it.

We want to continue to receive the birth and marriage data for those that have taken place since 1980. Please continue to use the descendancy submittal charts, available on our website (MS Word or PDF) or from the newsletter and SEND THEM IN!!! You parents – please get your married kids to send their family information to me.

I am seeking volunteer representatives from each of the family lines (James, Charles, Isabella, Archibald, and William) who would assist me in reaching out to our younger families by making personal phone calls and encouraging them to submit their descendancy information. If you will help, please contact me (see below). You can help me with close relatives that you know with their contact information, and I can help you with contact information of individuals you may not know but who are in your line. Wouldn’t it be great to increase our database to over 8,500 names by next year’s reunion? LET’S DO IT!!

Blaine T Livingston
655 Greystone Way
Tooele, UT 84074

Thanks again for helping us with this important project.

Histories Wanted

We would like to include more information about our wonderful ancestors on the Livingston website. As a board, we have each committed to write or find a story about someone from our line to add to the site. We hope that, you too, will be interested in helping us make the website more exciting and informative.

If you have a story that is not in the Archibald Livingston Book, we would love to have it to include on the website. You may either email it to us at board@livingstonfamily.org, or send a copy to Dana Rogers, 829 S 325 W, Orem, UT 84058 and we will put it on the website. If you have photos that you would like included, please send them also. We will be posting one story/history/photo a month until we run out of things to post. These histories will be posted in the People category.

History of the Hazel Livingston and Duncan Angus Maxwell Family

Daniel Maxwell, Margaret Maxwell Miller, Arthur Maxwell - 1964

This history is a compilation of stories told to Dana Rogers by her father Dan Maxwell and her aunt Margaret Maxwell Miller. It also includes information from the history of Ellen Livingston Smith, Hazel’s sister.

Hazel Livingston was born 2 July 1891 in Salt Lake City, Utah, the eleventh child of Charles Livingston and Ellen Harrocks. Ellen was the sister of Jane Harrocks, who was Charles' first wife. They raised their families in a large adobe house on a piece of property which Ellen’s mother, Ann Harrocks had given to them when they married. The home was next door to Ann’s home on Seventh East. Charles and Jane had eight children, five of whom died as children. Charles and Ellen had 12 children, two of whom died as children. Hazel was the eleventh child, one of seven daughters.

Hazel’s mother, Ellen Harrocks Livingston, was a typical English girl of the working class and she was very frugal and industrious. Her household was known as one of the most orderly in the community and Hazel was taught well in the art of homemaking. Her father Charles Livingston was quiet, reserved and was liked by everyone. He was a very strong and lovable character and was a great example to Hazel. The Livingston family has always been regarded as a family of workers and Hazel never complained about working hard.

Read the whole story: History of the Hazel Livingston and Duncan Angus Maxwell Family

Livingston Family Board

2008-2009 Board of Directors

The current board of directors of the Livingston Family Association is as follows:

Name Assignment Term Expires
Stott Cook Reunion Co-Chair 2009
Blaine Livingston Descendancy Chair 2009
Ann Macdonald Reunion Co-Chair 2009
Charlene Clark Chairperson, Newsletter & Mailing List 2010
Enid Cox Secretary/Treasurer 2010
Dana Rogers Ancestry Co-Chair 2010
Dennis Davis Ancestry Co-Chair 2011
Ross Livingston Website 2011
David Cook Vice Chairperson 2011

Contact us at 801-484-2678 (Enid's) or email us all at board@livingstonfamily.org. Please use this family resource for family-related business only.

© 2009 Livingston Family Association
Comments to board@livingstonfamily.org

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This page has been accessed 4,763 times. This page was last modified on 10 March 2009, at 04:55.


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