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LFA Board Minutes - 2008-01-13

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Livingston Family Association Board Meeting

Date/Time: January 13, 2008
Location: Ross Livingston's home
Present: Charlene Clark, Dana Rogers, Ann Macdonald, Ted Livingston, Stott Cook and Ross Livingston
Excused:Enid Cox and Blaine Livingston



Welcomed by Charlene Clark.

Invocation by Dana Rogers.

Minutes from the previous meeting, held October 21, 2007, were read by Charlene Clark and approved by the board without change.

Finance Report

Enid Cox, who was unable to attend, reported current account totals via email as follows:

savings: $3,850.79
checking: $940.67
TOTAL: $4,791.46

Descendancy Report

Blaine Livingston, who was unable to attend the board meeting, reported the following via email:

By way of reporting the progress of the descendancy data input: I have done another hundred pages in the book. I am in the 800's now - only about 200 pages to go. I have added another 500 names and have received several more sheets in the mail that added additional names to what is in the book.
I am confident that the entire book will be input prior to the reunion. We will probably have around 7,500 names in the database when complete.

Ancestor Research Report

Ted reported that he and Dana met with a Scottish genealogist last quarter. They discussed our research, and specifically some problem areas in the records.

There are two Williams listed as sons of Archibald 1702/3. The expert, along with Ted and Dana, believe that the William who's father is listed as ffrancis Livingston (and mother as Christian Muir) is not one of our relatives.

Dana has produced a spreadsheet to track ordinance completion for our ancestors. Most work has been verified as complete. Some still need to be verified.

Ross proposed creating an electronic bulletin board for family research coordination. This would aid in collaboration, but would also create Livingston family research-related content online to be crawled by search engines. Hopefully, this could lead other researchers working on common lines to our family association.

Ann asked if we are ready to start paying a professional genealogist to do research. Dana suggested that we first give our family association members a chance to help with research. Ross said that most professionals say that you get the best value from professional researchers when you can ask them to answer very specific questions. It was decided that it is too early to hire a professional to pursue research.

Mailing List Statistics

Charlene reported the following interesting statistics of the association mailing list:

565 total names/addresses on association roles
347 (61%) we have an email address
81 (14%) we have no phone number on record
88 (16%) person does not have email
16 (3%) presumed to not have email - not contacted
21 (4%) still to contact
12 (2%) last email bounced

Reunion Planning

Stott reported that this reunion will be the Livingston Railroad Reunion. The reunion will be held at a beautiful campground at Pineview Reservoir near Huntsville, UT. The reunion will be Friday, June 13 and Saturday, June 14. Stott and Ann led a discussion to plan the reunion.


The schedule for the reunion is planned to be as follows:

Friday, June 13

2:00 PM - earliest checkin time at campground
7:00 PM - campfire program, railroad stories, dessert

Saturday, June 14

8:00 AM - 9:30 AM - breakfast (provided by the board)
10:00 AM - business meeting, website overview, elections
11:00 AM - caravan to Railroad museum
1:00 PM - latest campground checkout time

Reunion Committees

Rather than work out all the detailed reunion plans, it was proposed that we form committees to address the various aspects of the reunion. This approach was agreed upon, and the following committees were established (lead is in bold:

Newsletter Report

The next newsletter will be sent March 1. Articles are due to Charlene by February 15. This means that all reunion plans need to be nailed down by then. Charlene and Ross will prepare the newsletter.

A postcard, reminding association members of the reunion, will be sent in May.

Action Items


Next meeting to be held April 20[1] Sunday, April 27, 2008 7:00 PM at Charlene Clark's home.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.


We did not discuss formation of a nomination committee to consider candidates to join the board of directors. We can discuss via email and in more detail in our next board meeting.


  1. Amended per Charlene by Ross

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This page has been accessed 2,762 times. This page was last modified on 8 February 2008, at 16:45.


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