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LFA Board Minutes - 2004-06-19

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Livingston Family Association Board Meeting

Date/Time: June 19, 2004 – Held at 2004 LFA reunion in lieu of July 11
Place: Spruces campground in Big Cottonwood Canyon, SLC, UT
Attending: Janet Feeney, Dwight Epperson, Blaine Livingston, Enid Cox, Charlene Clark, Stott Cook, Ted Livingston, Nadine Curtis, Ross Livingston, Shaunna Wozab


2004 LFA Reunion - Business Meeting minutes


Welcome - Ted Livingston, Chairman

Prayer - Ross Livingston

Thank board members - Ted Livingston

Financial Report

Financial report - Enid Cox, Treasurer

Brief history on Ron Watt

Enid Cox gave a brief history on Ron Watt:


Shaunna Wozab presented awards to family members at the reunion as follows:

2005 Reunion

Ted led a discussion to solicit suggestions for the location of the 2005 LFA reunion. Suggestions included:

Board Elections

Ted Livingston led an election for new board members to fill seats being vacated by Enid Cox, Charlene Clark, and Shaunna Wozab. Nominations were made for:

Each nominee, if present, gave a brief summary of their history with the association, the family line, and their interest in serving on the board. Dwight Epperson took the floor to recommend Ann Macdonald who was absent. He reported that his family is relocating to Louisiana, and that he felt he should resign his board position. A motion was made by Glenn Cox and seconded that Ann Maconald would fill the rest of Dwight's term (until 2007). The motion passed, leaving the original three board positions to be filled. A private ballot was conducted, with each adult (18 years and older) present being allowed to vote for three nominees. The ballots were counted. Those elected to serve a three year term were Enid Cox, Charlene Clark, and Nadine Curtis.

Ted commented that from time to time, committee member volunteers are needed to help the board. Volunteers included Marlene Ellis, Laurie Storey, Melissa Butts, Shaunna Wozab.


The following announcements were made:

Blaine Livingston talked about his board role to update the Livingston descendant information. He made a plea to collect updated information and gave an example of family information sheets he put together for his mother’s 90th birthday.

A question was asked about republishing the Archibald Livingston book. Tonya Gilles reported that her brother Ron Livingston is going to reprint the book again. Cost is expected to be around $115. Tonya started a list to collect names to give to Ron.

The business meeting was adjourned.

Ted announced the beginning of the Livingston Family Association Board of Directors board meeting, which was about to begin. Family members were invited, but reminded that they would not be allowed to vote unless they were on the board.

Board Meeting minutes

Review Minutes

Minutes from the April 18, 2004 board meeting were approved.

Research Plan

Board Assignments

Board assignments for upcoming year:


Newsletters for the upcoming year were discussed. We are planning the following three newsletters:

The upcoming newsletter was planned to include:

It was noted that a future newsletter (perhaps this fall) could include a spotlight of Clive & Maretta Jeffs


Board meeting was adjourned at 11:45.

Next board meeting is scheduled for October 10, 2004 at 7:00 PM

Submitted by ??

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