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LFA Board Minutes - 2002-06-11

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Livingston Family Association Board Meeting

Date/Time: June 11, 2002
Location: home of Ross Livingston
Attending: Ted Livingston, Ross Livingston
Absent: Everyone else

In spite of the poor attendance of board members, Ted and Ross discussed a number of issues as follows:


Family History topics

While visiting Scotland last year, Ross went to the Henderson castle with Bill Livingstone. While taking pictures, they were approached by the gardener who inquired what they were doing. Upon discussing the Livingston connection to the estate, the gardener indicated that there may be records of interest to the family in the old castle library. Bill took the man’s name and address to follow up. Ross needs to get back with Bill to see if any contact has been made. While a long shot, there is some remote chance that records in the library could provide valuable connections to previous generations which are otherwise unavailable because of fire damage to old parish records.

Ted discussed research he has previously done potentially connecting the Livingstons of Fife to the ancient Picts.

Ted also talked about research he had started that may lead to identifying some inaccuracies in some early Livingston family history that the family has assumed valid for a long time. Further research is required.


Since the reunion will be held at Zion Ponderosa resort, which will provide meeting facilities, the family meal, and activities, we determined that the only item requiring planning is the family meeting, scheduled in conjunction with a family meal on Friday, July 12 at 12:00 noon. Items for consideration for the family meeting include:

We determined that the meeting agenda could be finalized with broader board participation via email.

Other topics of potential interest for the reunion (but outside of the business meeting) might include:


We discussed whether or not an additional newsletter or postcard needed to be sent to announce the family reunion. We determined that plenty of notices have been sent, and that everyone should have the information they need to make a decision about attending the reunion.

Web Site

Ross demonstrated a couple LFA website prototypes he has been working on.

Family Mailing List

Ross demonstrated the current form of the family mailing list. The list currently has some features that make it much more useful. For example the list can quickly show all members of a particular family who are on the list. One can find cousins, siblings, etc. by using some simple filters. Currently 91% of the 482 families on the list have been identified, leaving 40 unidentified. Certainly other board members (Enid!) will be able to identify many of those.

Family Association Future

Ted and Ross discussed their thoughts on the direction the family association should head in the future. Both feel there needs to be more emphasis on family history. We feel the board needs to take the lead in initiating and completing meaningful projects that further family members’ understanding of our family heritage.

An important step in moving the family forward will be to clarify the purpose of the family association. If people know what we’re about, they’re more likely to be able to contribute to moving us there.

Another important step we can take is to have specific board roles. By simply having board members, nobody really knows what is expected of them. On the other hand, if someone had responsibility for a specific piece of family business, they would be more likely to fulfill that responsibility. Potential areas for board assignments could include:

These are only suggestions. We should find a copy of the family by-laws to see if more structure is already called for.


After the board meeting, Ross found a partial copy of the association bylaws. Indeed they already specify that board members be assigned to specific responsibilities! We should find a complete copy of the bylaws and make our decision on how to proceed based on what is already there. Does anyone have a complete copy?


Meeting adjourned.

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