From LFAwiki
Since Descendants of Archibald Livingston ("The Green Book") was first published in 1980, some errors have been identified. This page contains a list known errors.
Anyone with knowledge of errors in the original text may edit this page. As you do so, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Please follow the template provided to ensure consistency and completeness.
- Please help keep the list of errata in order, by page number.
- Note that this page is not the place to list additional descendants who have been born since 1980. The association will provide a live database for doing that in the future.
Template for changes
Note: The easiest way to add a new entry is to copy this template, and paste it into the list below in the correct location (by page number). Then simply supply the requested information.
|- |<Page> |<provide a brief description of the issue> |<your name> |<today's date> |<incorrect data from book, exactly as it appears in print> |<provide corrected information as you believe it should appear> |<List your source of the correct information (e.g., book, personal knowledge, person, etc.>
Page | Summary of error | Submitter's name | Date submitted | Incorrect information | Corrected information | Source
<Page> | <provide a brief description of the issue> | <your name> | <today's date> | <incorrect data from book, exactly as it appears in print> | <provide corrected information as you believe it should appear> | <List your source of the correct information (e.g., book, personal knowledge, person, etc.>
50 | Incorrect birth date - James C Livingston | John Doe | 23-March-2014 | March 15, 1734 | March 15, 1735 | Sample sample sample sample |