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LFA Newsletter Volume 38, Issue 1 (February 2011)

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Livingston Family Association Logo.gif

1283 Logan Avenue
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Date: February 2011


Message from the Chairman

by Steven B Livingston

Well, it’s that time of year as we get ramped up and planning for the summer. Mark your calendar, pop some corn and sit down and have a family planning session. I would like to personally invite you to the Livingston Family Association Reunion held on June 10th and 11th in Lehi. It will be in conjunction with the Scottish Highland games at Thanksgiving Point. Please see the details in this Newsletter and plan to attend some or all of the events.

I would also like to encourage your participation of the LFA Facebook page. (Just search for Archibald Livingston). Send an Invite from Facebook to be a friend, or send me an email to stephenlivingston2@gmail.com and I will send you an Invite. We would love to have as many people involved with it as possible, especially the younger generation who use Facebook a lot.

Well, one final note. As 2011 begins, as an Association we are involved in a lot of projects. We are trying to solve family mysteries, verify information with solid source material and make discoveries connecting with family lines we’ve never known before. We have a lot of work to do together on our family history and genealogy. Family history is a great way to connect with your past and forge your future. Take some time to share with your grandkids stories of when you met your spouse. Grandkids, ask your grandma and grandpa about their parents and your noble birthright. We must reach out to one another to understand our great heritage and potential for the future. There is a legacy we will all leave behind some day. Let us forge one that will live on forever and make a difference for generations to come.

Reunion: June 10 - 11 Scottish Festival, Highland Games and more

by Douglas Ray Livingston
Utah Scots pipes.jpg
Utah Scots games.jpg

Summer is reunion time. Some of the many reunions that we may have on our schedule might include high school class reunions, missionary reunions, team reunions, immediate family reunions including separate gatherings for siblings, and/or children, and/or grandchildren, and/or great grandchildren, and extended family reunions. Good Grief! So many! We would like to attend them all but there are only 10 or 12 weekends in the summer and we may want to squeeze in a little vacation among the summer sports, outings, and other activities. But, don’t miss THIS Reunion!

  1. Salt Lake Temple Session where we will meet at 6:00 PM at the recommend desk. We are working hard to have several names ready for temple work. If you know of any work on your lateral lines that needs to be completed, please bring a card to do an endowment or sealing this evening.
  2. Country breakfast Saturday from 8:00-9:30 AM breakfast will be served, once again by the Doug Livingston Family, at the Lehi North Stake Center located in Lehi at 2800 North Center Street. (east side of I-15)
  3. Business Meeting will commence at 10:00 AM. We will award for the second year the “Attendance Trophy” to the line with the most attendees. (The William line was the first year’s winner (2010) and has plans to continue that tradition!). There will also be displays and presentations.
  4. Childrens Activities will include the game 'A Minute to Win It' and an Air Rocket Building Contest.
  5. Scottish lunch, Festival and Highland Games At 1:00 PM we will all be journeying to the west side of I-15 for an exciting and traditional afternoon of fun, competition and music at Thanksgiving Point with closing ceremonies at 6 PM. We will notify you of the entrance fee and cost of the lunch in the reminder postcard and email that we will send out in May.

If you are coming from out of town we want to let you know that there is a bed and breakfast “The Hansen House” which is the former home of William Dobbie Kuhne, the adopted son of Granny’s daughter Ellen and John Dobbie, whose memories about the Livingstons are in this newsletter. The home has been restored to that era and is a lovely place with Livingston connections. If you mention you are coming to the Livingston reunion they may offer you a discount on your stay. http://hansenhouse.com/history

A Message from the Treasurer

by Enid Cox

I’ve been thinking lately about all of you and hoping you are holding up under the shaky economy. I think this is a good time to strengthen our family bonds and remember the blessings that have come into our lives through those who came before. I have thought many times about the sacrifices of “Granny”, James, Charles, Archibald, Helen and William. Where would WE be without them? I also think about our founding fathers, those men and women who formed the framework of this country, the greatest nation on earth. I am thankful for those who have served in the past and those who now serve in the military. I honor those who have given their lives and made it possible for us to enjoy the freedom we enjoy each day. Our freedoms, our faith and our family heritage are the things that give us strength to endure, to prosper, and to leave courage and strength to our descendants. May we be diligent in writing our histories, keeping our journals, recording our testimonies and collecting records to leave for all those who come after us.

The calendar has just changed over to a new year and that means that dues are due for the 2011 year. We appreciate your support and would not be able to keep this organization going without it. Annual dues are $20 per family - more or less as your circumstances dictate. Mail your dues to Livingston Family Association, 1283 Logan Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84105, or bring it with you to the reunion on June 11th 2011. We gladly accept donations at any time. Thank you!

Some Recollections of the Livingston Family in Utah

by William Dobbie Kuhre - Published in “Archibald Livingston - Descendants & Ancestry” – 1980
William was the adopted son of John Dobbie and Ellen Livingston (daughter of “Granny” Christina Livingston)
William Dobbie Kuhre

I have been asked to commit to writing any incidents or experiences that may have come under my observation during my contacts with the LIVINGSTON Family. However, I find that there is but little that I can recall that would seem to be of much importance, but I will mention some of the little, ordinary things that I can recall in the hope that it will add something more to the store of knowledge of the lives of the men and women of this very worthy family of which I have always felt that I was a part of, at least by adoption, as my foster or adopted mother was Ellen LIVINGSTON Dobbie, daughter of Grandmother Christina LIVINGSTON.

My first recollection of Grandmother Christina Campbell Livingston was about the years 1870 to 1872 when I was living with her at the northeast corner of 9th East and 2nd South Street, Salt Lake City. Ellen Livingston Dobbie was her youngest child. Ellen and her husband appear to have been away at times, and I was left with “Gran”, as she was familiarly called.

Gran had an unmarried son, James Livingston (b 30 Aug 1828) living with her. He was employed at a lumber yard located on the west side of State Street between First and Second South Streets. I recall hearing the name Maxwell or Maxfield being spoken of as the owners of the yard or who controlled it. This was the only employment he had while I was there. Later he became too ill to work and finally passed away Sept 23, 1874.

The home was a one room log house that faced the west with a door in the center and a window on either side. The chimney was on the south end. A door in the east side opened into a small lumber lean-to used largely as a place for fuel, tools, etc. The house stood about thirty feet from the west property line and several rods from the south line. Trees at the north and rear were mostly peach trees. A clump of cottonwoods grew at the curb line west of the house. In the shade of these trees Gran and Uncle Jimmy would sit during the afternoon. The arm chair in which she always sat Ellen Dobbie kept until her death and I have had it in my possession during all the succeeding years until a few years ago when I turned it over to Thomas W. Livingston shortly before his death. I told him that some of the family should treasure it as a valued heirloom.

Gran always wore a cap or “mutch”, I think she called it. It had a row of lace or some kind of “frill” around the outer edge bordering the face. I have, and doubtless other members of the family have also, a picture of her showing this.

I recall the time when, with some congenial company present, John Boddie or some other would sing a song, the chorus of which ran something like this. “Brannan on the moor. Brannan on the moor. Bold and undaunted stood a young Brannan on the moor.” And Uncle Jimmy would proudly proclaim, “That’s me, that’s me.”

Early one morning the word came, I do not know by whom, that Gran had now lived to see the fifth generation, for there had just been born to the oldest daughter of James Campbell Livingston, Jeanette, who was the wife of Orson Despain, their first child, a son. The family was excited over this, considering it to be quite a notable distinction. Orson Despain lived on 2nd South Street, but farther to the east than Gran.

I recall the time that James C. Livingston was suffering from the effects of the blast that injured his right arm and hand. The family will know, of course, but I understand that the accident occurred while he was working on the Union Pacific Railroad. I heard him say that now pieces of wood were coming out of the injured member.

I heard Gran tell of the time when he was brought home after the accident. He was suffering great pain and in those days means of alleviation were not readily available. In his distress he was indulging in language quite unusual for him to use. Gran said, “Oh Jimmy, I dinna like to hear you swear like that. He looked at her a moment and replied, “Gran, don’t you know that I can pray to God and He will give me five minutes to swear any time.”

He remarked one day after the arm had been amputated that he was receiving so much literature setting forth the merits of artificial limbs, that it almost made him feel that it ought to be an advantage to lose a limb in order to get one of the artificial ones. I think he bought a hand and an arm, but seldom used the hand. He had a hook on the end of the arm and it was a much more formidable means of defense than the hand would have been.

Personally, I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude to James C. Livingston. After the death of John Dobbie in November 1879, when the responsibility of helping to provide for my foster mother and sister devolved upon me, Brother Livingston gave me employment at the Temple Quarrie, where I remained until July, 1881, when I came to Sandy. Upon my leaving the quarry, he took my hand and said, “Willie, wherever you go, always remember that you are a Latter-day Saint.” And I have tried to remember. I may add that my leaving the quarry and getting a position in Sandy was by reason of his influence and good offices.

Hansen (previously Dobbie) House

I should say here also, that I feel a deep debt of gratitude to James C., Charles, and William Livingston; to Aunt Ellen Watts of Smithfield, and to Isabelle Aiken of Spring City, all of whom signed a deed at their own volition, transferring all their right as heirs of John and Ellen Livingston Dobbie, to the little home in the tenth ward. This was at the death of Ellen L. Dobbie. They both died without making any will or deed to me, but the Livingston family knew that it was the intention of John and Ellen to leave the home to me, and so immediate steps were taken at her death in 1884, to relinquish any claim they might have.

On evening Gran prepared for me a bowl of bread and milk, but instead of using fresh or sweet milk she poured buttermilk over the bread. Now if there was anything that I did not like it was buttermilk, and so I refused to eat it. She declared that I should have nothing until I did eat it, saying “He’s ower nice gabbed ony way.” She sat the dish aside and I went without supper. But fortune favored me, for during the night a piece of the chinking from the wall fell into the bowl thus spoiling the contents entirely, so that the bread and milk had to be thrown out. However, were it not for that, she declared she would have made me eat it.

It was said of her that when the emigrant train with which she came to the valley emerged from Emigration Canyon, that she had a good look at the scene before here and said, “And is this Zion? Why I can see nothing but sun flowers and sage brush.”

At another time she went to the Tithing office and upon looking around at the meager display and then poking around with her cane, she said, “And is this the Lord’s storehouse? I can see naething but a wheen empty boxes and barrels.”

I have several times heard Gran tell the following story - One morning, just about dawn, she arose and stepped out to the front of the cottage. As she looked toward the left, where on the corner stood a clump of trees, she saw distinctly the face of a man within a halo or circle of light, the face having pleasant expression. As she gazed at his usual sight the head made a bow or obeisance to here three times (in her words, “played so”, suiting the action of the nod or bow to the word) and then faded from view. She felt somewhat frightened and went back to the house. A short time later the same morning, a man on horseback dashed up to the door and inquired if she had seen anything of a little child who was lost and for whom search was being made. She replied in the negative. The man was just turning away when Gran thought of the face she had seen a short time before and instantly seeming to connect in some manner the face with the missing child, she called to the man who reined up his horse and looked back. Gran told him to go down to that clump of trees and see if anything was there. She followed him to the place indicated and lo and behold, there lay the child fast asleep and uninjured. Gran said the child had some sort of a cloak of covering and as she lay there the white frost was visible on a portion of it. I never heard any further particulars nor as to who the child was.

I have heard it said that in early days in the Territory of Utah, that the Saints were not permitted to read the Bible because of an order of the Church forbidding it. This was circulated by enemies of the Mormon people. In fact in a little sectarian church in Ephraim on the occasion of my first visit there in 1885, I heard the preacher make that statement. Any of our older people could surely give the lie to that. On one occasion Gran sent me to the store that stood just a little west of the 11th Ward chapel and there I bought a Bible, paying 60 cents for it. The book is still in my possession, it having come to our home when Gran came to live with her daughter, Ellen Livingston Dobbie at 343 Sixth East, where she lived until her death.

Charles Livingston’s two little girls used to come frequently to see Gran and to bring her something for her personal comfort. Mentally I can see the two little girls as they came around the corner of the house carrying a bucket. Nor can I ever forget the joy that was mine when at one time at Charles Livingston’s home his wife opened the cupboard and gave me a bunch of grapes.

Gran used to be very much concerned about the welfare of Charles Livingston while he was on the police force or directing the prison labor on the streets, for fear that injury would come to him; especially after, on one occasion when he came home with his clothes badly torn from an encounter with some toughs, news of which had come to Gran’s ears.

When Gran was living with her daughter, Ellen Dobbie, it was customary to have an annual gathering or party on her birthday which occurred on February 14th. There was a spread of good things to eat, the tables would be cleared away and then would follow singing and dancing for a while; games also, especially do I recall the game of “forfeits”. When I have hears the song “Auld Lang Syne” in later years I have called to mind that Scotch group at those birthday parties, dancing around in a circle and singing that song as only the Scotch can sing it, coming down on the floor with a stamp of the foot with the word “wacht” in the line. “A richt good Willie Wacht.”

William Livingston, after his marriage to Lilly Dick built a home to the east of the corner where Gran lived while in the 11th Ward. They first, however, lived in the little adobe house at 343 Sixth East that was afterward bought by John Dobbie. Here I recall seeing Lily standing in the doorway and holding the baby up with the pride of a mother over her first born and asking me if he was not a beautiful baby. This was William D. Livingston. On one occasion after John Dobbie had bought this place and built two more rooms, the two youngsters, Will and Arch, came to the house before we had arisen on one New Years morning to be “First footen”, according to the old Scotch custom.

I recall that Lily Dick worked at the home of Archibald Livingston on South Temple Street, on the south side of the street between 2nd and 3rd West Streets. The house stood there for many years afterward. To the west of it was a house owned by Mrs. Arch Livingston’s, Margaret Staines. They used to tease Lily Dick about William Livingston when he was courting her, and one such occasion I recall seeing her burst into tears in her embarrassment.

When William Livingston and family moved to Fountain Green in the early eighties, the home passed to the ownership of Thomas W. Livingston, who later moved to Spring City, Utah. This was a son of James C. Livingston. When William Livingston moved to Fountain Green, he and the two boys Will and Arch, with the load of furniture and household goods, stayed with us in Sandy the first night out. It was afer dark when they reached Sandy, they were off the right road and the two boys were so tired they were asleep before a bed could be made ready. Lily went down on the train. Ellen Dobbie made a visit to the family at Fountain Green and I made several visits in the near years following, that have always been a very pleasing recollection. At the funeral of William Livingston I was called upon to and did offer the prayer of dedication at the grave. I had gone to Mount Pleasant on the train and came over in a buggy with Robert Livingston, arriving after the services had begun in the ward chapel.

William Dobbie Kuhre

I had very little or rather few contacts with Archibald Livingston, as he was at the saw mills in Big Cottonwood Canyon, though with John and Ellen Dobbie I was at “mill F” in the early seventies for three summers. I do recall the wonder and joy that filled my heart, when on one Fourh of July he called me to the house where he then lived, at the corner of 7th East and 4th South Streets and gave me a whole bunch of fire crackers.

I have thus tried to recall some of the very simple and ordinary incidents that impressed themselves on my memory in my contacts with his family. That which I have written above has always been bright and clear in my memory, and I have had occasion to refer to some of the incidents to public addresses, especially at funeral services. When I think of the devotion of this family to the Church of Christ, the loyalty shown to its leaders and the firm adherence to its principles in the face of difficulties, I think of the one word to represent these splendid men and women, these pioneers, and that is INTEGRITY.

The following links have some very interesting historical information relating to William Dobie Kuhre.

Genealogical Standards

by Douglas Ron Livingston

The Executive Board of the Livingston Family Association has formally adopted the National Genealogical Society’s standards for genealogical research.

With the advent of the internet, massive amounts of genealogical information are now easily shared. The internet provides an ease and speed of distribution that has never been experienced before. It is, therefore, all the more critical that the data we share contain proper citations of original sources. In order to improve the quality of our genealogical information, all family members are encouraged to adhere to the following standards from the National Genealogical Society:

Remembering always that they are engaged in a quest for truth, family history researchers consistently

© 1997, 2002 by National Genealogical Society. Permission is granted to copy or publish this material provided it is reproduced in its entirety, including this notice.

Research is presently being conducted in order to create a genealogical record of our ancestors extending from Archibald Livingston (b:1808) back five generations to Archibald Livingston (b:<1702>). This research is unique in that it will be limited to information extracted from original documents only. This new record will be made available to family members to use as a comparison to any genealogical information they may have on file. It is hoped that those comparisons will form the basis for discussion about any additional information that may be available and help resolve questions that exist about our current records. A more complete file of the highest quality research may then be compiled reflecting the Livingston Family Association’s best efforts toward establishing our correct genealogy.

Digital copies of known original sources, a GEDCOM file, and further information about this project will be available to family members during this year’s Livingston Family reunion.

Research Report

by Dana Rogers

The Livingston Family Association’s Wish for 2011 is to receive at least one history or photo to add to our website from someone receiving this newsletter. Please help make our wish come true! You can email them or mail copies of your originals. You can find 38 histories on our site now, but we would like many, many more.

Did you know you can order a patriarchal blessing for a direct ancestor who is deceased, your own, your spouse or your children at https://apps.lds.org/pbrequest/? This would be a great addition for your own collection of family histories.

There are new things to look for on the website. You can download a wonderful 156 page illustrated history of Ellen Livingston (Charles) and Enoch Smith. This will be of interest to any descendant of Charles because of the variety of information included.

You can also find a Livingston Family Tree on our website (livingstonfamily.org) thanks to the generosity and research of Donna Bench and LaVonne Van Orden, descendents of William Livingston. These women have been very careful in documenting their research with verifiable sources. The citations for their research can be found under the notes in the GEDCOM file on our website. During the summer, board members will be working on getting the sources attached to the life event on each individual. When that is completed, you will be able to browse the family tree or download the gedcom. If you have information that is not on the LFA site, please email any histories, photos, or other genealogical data to board@livingstonfamily.org and we will add this information to the growing collection of material already available online. We ask that all data be referenced by primary sources, allowing anyone wishing to do further research to verify the information.

This genealogical information that can be found our has also been uploaded to http://www.ancestry.com/ "Livingston Family Tree (Bench/VanOrden)". We are hoping that a distant cousin might see our tree and contact us with information from their line. Much of the new information on Granny's children uncovered by Brenda Kucharzewski in 2009, a Scottish genealogist, was found using Ancestry.com. The board decided to try and see if we could find additional information on James' and Granny’s siblings, children, and their descendants, using Ancestry.com. We will then verify if it is found on new.familysearch.org. A few new names have already been found and sources are being verified. If the temple work has not been done, and if we can verify sources, then we will have family names to do on the Friday June 10th in the Salt Lake Temple.If there is anyone interested in helping us with this work, Email us at board@livingstonfamily.org and we will give you a name to verify and prepare for temple ordinances.

The Livingston Legacy Lives On

We know that there are many, many living Livingston descendants that exemplify great traits also. We would like to acquaint you with some of these people through our newsletter and at the reunion because it is great to have “living heroes” too. Please think of someone in your line (children, spouse, siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) that you would like to write a paragraph or two to share with us. Write about who they are, what quality they have developed or how they have made a difference. We will include some of these heroes at our 2011 reunion and in future newsletters.

We would like to share with you the Legacy left by LuJean Livingston, wife of Blaine Livingston, who just graduated from this earthly life February 1, 2011.

LuJean Harward Livingston - Life Sketch

By Diane Cottrell, her daughter

From the time LuJean was born on August 21, 1943 to Leland and Phyllis Harward, she was a fighter. She was born with what they called a “blue baby” and had difficulty breathing. She had her appendix removed and a bowel obstruction all before the age of one. When she was just five years old she had rheumatic fever which left her with a weakened heart. But none of that slowed her down. She was raised in Rexburg, Idaho and later moved to Hayward, CA in her teen years. Her love of learning began at a very young age. She loved to read and always seemed to have her nose in a good book. She always wanted to excel at school and everything she did, to the point that she would make herself sick sometimes.

Her love for the gospel of Jesus Christ also began at a very early age. She always loved going to her church classes and couldn’t seem to get enough. She wanted to share that knowledge with everyone she knew. When she was in fifth grade they were studying the Indians so she decided to bring all her Book of Mormon pictures to share with the class. By seventh grade she was reading books like Jesus the Christ. Not many of her friends were L.D.S., so she was always bringing them along to church and inviting them to activities. When she finished eighth grade she received her own copy of the standard works, which became her greatest treasure. She always wanted to do what was right and keep high standards. Some might call her a “goody goody,” but she didn’t care. She even walked out of a friend’s birthday party because they were playing cards and had bubble gum cigarettes.

LuJean H Livingston

She loved and enjoyed many different things. She was a bit of a tomboy and prided herself on the fact that she could hit and throw as good as any boy. She was voted best athlete in seventh grade, and was a majorette in eighth grade. Later on in high school she became a song leader. She was involved in many activities and graduated with honors from Washington High School.

She attended Ricks College for a semester where she joined an L.D.S. sorority, was on the ballroom dance team, and even participated in a school play. She later received a scholarship and decided to attend BYU, which is where she met my dad Blaine. They dated for about six weeks before he left on an L.D.S. mission to Germany. They wrote many letters back and forth, but about four months later they started to decrease in frequency. She was not so faithful to their commitment and began dating other guys. My dad had a birthday coming up and he had wanted her to send a picture of herself, but nothing came. So he decided to send her a nice card to show her how he felt. It had a nice picture of an old lady in cleaning clothes with her pantyhose around her ankles. You opened it up and it said “you’re a damn jewel” inside. My grandma got one look at that and said “no man like that is going to marry a daughter of mine.” A while later they started writing again. So, when he got home she packed her bags and never looked back. They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on Dec. 3, 1965. They have six sons and one daughter and 21 grandchildren.

She graduated from BYU with a Bachelors degree in Political Science and History. She later taught in public and private schools on elementary and secondary levels. I had the privilege of being her student at private school and when she later taught my brother John and I at home. She was a master teacher and gifted researcher. She used to run a business called Wholesome Books which helped provide parents, private schools, and home schoolers with wholesome curriculum materials. I remember she and my dad would load up their van and take those books everywhere. She wanted to reach as many people as she could. She conducted training seminars across the United States instructing parents and teachers how to implement gospel based principles in all academic subjects. It was truly a great passion of hers.

LuJean and Blaine Livingston

Her life’s focus was the Savior, Jesus Christ, His gospel, her family, and serving others. An inspired leader, she was active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served as Ward Relief Society President twice, and, until just last October, she served as Stake Relief Society president in the Tooele East Stake.

Growing up, we had a happy home. My mom made everything beautiful. She was a great cook and seemed to be able to do everything. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother. Being the only daughter we were always close. It only seemed to grow when I had my own children and was able to stay home with them. We would spend just about every day talking on the phone or being together. She was like the sister I never had and a best friend in one. You always knew that her focus was on the importance of letting the gospel be part of our every-day lives. Like when we were younger, getting up early to read the scriptures all curled up in our blankets and not really wanting to be there but knowing it was important. She was one of the few people I know that was always the same person whether she was at home or in public. We used to joke that she really was just too good of a person to be on this earth. She did everything that she was asked to do 110 %. She was willing to do everything she could for you and you always knew how much she cared. She sacrificed so much over the years, but never thought of it that way. During her battle with cancer, she was so strong and never gave up hope. She had so much faith, even until the very end. These past few weeks, as she got sicker and weaker, she received many thoughtful letters and cards that meant so much to her. One of which had a quote from Jeffrey R. Holland that talked about angels that I thought described her perfectly.

That was my mom. As I was able to spend these last few weeks with her talking with her, helping her or just rubbing her feet, I knew that I was about to lose one of the most important people in my life. I am just so grateful for the knowledge I have of the Plan of Salvation. That we can be together forever and I will see her again. I am lucky to have a wonderful mother that taught me this and many other great truths and who let me lean on her testimony until I could stand on my own. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this church is true. I don’t know where I would be without it. I miss my mother so much, but she has left me the greatest legacy ever.

Tombstone Project

by Dennis Davis

For many years, my wife, Jeri, and I have been visiting cemeteries around the county, taking pictures of the headstones of our ancestors. At one time, I was asked by the LFA Board to provide headstone pictures for the family website. About that time, I discovered: www.findagrave.com. Find-A-Grave has been affectionately called the Social Network for the Dead. It has proven to be a perfect venue for the sharing of headstone and personal pictures, of information of deceased loved ones, and the linking of family to each other. It is also a very helpful tool in finding and obtaining more information on specific members of the family. This is because it is a very popular website and is open to the whole world. Anyone who is interested in family and genealogical research may contribute to the website.

Anyone can join Find-A-Grave, without cost or obligation, by providing a little information, such as name and e-mail, and then be able to create memorials for their own family and friends. If any are not comfortable with a computer, I would be more than happy to do it for you. Provide me with the name of the deceased and any other information and I can create a memorial on Find-A-Grave for that person, to be shared with the world. My e-mail address is: denriphotography@verizon.net. I can also be reached at: 626-335-7819.

Christina Campbell Livingston headstone.jpg

This is a work in progress. It will not be finished until the last person on earth is dead and buried. You don't have to be a member of Find-A-Grave to browse through their website. You do have to join if you want to make additions or create memorials. To browse through the website, log on and then click on: "Search XX million grave records" (thousands of new memorials are created every day). That will take you to the "Find A Grave Search Form". As usual, the more spaces you fill in, the fewer hits you will receive. To look for someone, fill in the first and last name, then the Country, State, and County (if known). Look through the Results and find who you are looking for. If they are not listed, either the provided information didn't match, or a memorial has not yet been created for the one you were looking for on Find-A-Grave.

You can visit the memorial that has been created for my father, Doyle Joaquin Davis. You may also visit the memorial created for Christina Campbell Livingston. At the bottom of the page of Christina Campbell Livingston's memorial, there are links to her spouse and a few of her children (Archibald, James, and Ellen). The link will take you to the memorials that have been created for them, their children, and so on.

The Find-A-Grave website is just one more tool to assist us in our efforts to find our family. Give it a try.

© 2011 Livingston Family Association
Comments to board@livingstonfamily.org

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